The Robots Are the best thing in it.
23 July 2017
Awful, slipshod film another entry in the " Zombie Epidemic"genre but in this case and as various characters say a few times in the film, these are not zombies.They are infected, they can be killed by being shot anywhere, not just in the head or anyhow, stabbed, blown up etc, the only thing they have in common with zombies is they eat flesh.Film as you would expect " borrows" liberally from other films such as " World War Z" and "28 Days Later" both much better films than this.Even has the audacity to copy characters from "Day Of The Dead" and " Land Of The Dead".Dolph Lundgren looks old and bored and acts accordingly, and so will you be. The only interesting thing is the robots that walk around killing zombies, they are quite good. Poor film to say the least.
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