Don't Kill It (2016)
Save it then?
19 May 2017
Well not exactly either. But let's backtrack and talk about a movie with Dolph Lundgren in the main role. Just that fact will put some people off or make them fans before watching it. If you don't take issue to the once Russian boxer and Rocky opponent, you will see his grumpy, but still very likable side. He has charisma and the actor actually has a lot more to offer than he is allowed to show.

Having said that, Humor is a tough thing to sell at times and the voting here shows it. I had a blast watching it and a lot of people in the audience I was with, had the exact same experience. It always helps to have an experienced director at helm of course, which is the case here. There is violence, there is comedy and a bit of horror. What's not to love?
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