Oh dear what a mess
31 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to start but if I would have to choose a single word to describe this movie, "mess" would do just fine. Shortly, for lovers of mindless kung-fu action, this movie is watchable but gives viewer very little satisfaction. Don't let the good cast and well known game franchise fool you. This is not a good movie. Sitting for the whole two hours was a painful experience and at around 1:30 mark, I prayed that the movie would just finish.

Overall the plot seemed complicated but actually, it's paper-thin chase of an mythical "apple" and "good" vs "evil" in a very stupid context. The complicated stuff comes from the fact that nothing gets explained to audience, things just happen while camera is shaking. Perhaps the gamers know a bit better what is happening, but I'm sure most of them are not content with this crappy movie anyways. Essentially, we have some fancy "virtual reality" gizmo that allows the user to jump in and "live the past" of a guy who died 500 years ago in Spain. I don't see how that could be technically possible even after a 1000 years but fine, at least its not super used concept. Actually that apparatus was the only even remotely original idea in the whole film. Fassbender gets lured to that device quite easily considering things, goes back in time and starts killing people to "stop the violence", as the bug eyed female doctor explains so seriously. Now that is ludicrous. Actually, the line between good and evil in this movie is non-existent and I didn't root the "good guys" at all.

When Fassbender is in the machine, he kills a lot of people in action sequences we have seen 100 times. We have some parkour stuff and saber swinging in ancient Spain in scenes stolen straight from Prince of Persia (video game too with movie adaptation that is 10 times better) and plenty of other films. Our hero is a super human killing machine that can take more bad guys out than Spiderman without breaking a sweat. Of course this is a game movie but still, I'm getting numb of this bs. And again, since its the year 2010+, we need to have EQUALLY strong female side kick that can easily take men double of her size down like flies, can jump as high as the male counterpart and can do all the same tricks. Sorry, but women just don't match men in any type of physical action no matter what year we are living. But surely, Hollywood needs to carter the feminist audience too.

This movie has no character development, no deep moral story, has mostly crappy dialogue, its unimaginative, incoherent and bloated. What the movie has is over-the-top action and "dramatic" orchestral music booming all the time, while still managing to be boring. Fassbender does what he can with the material, Jeremy Irons is there for nothing (just to getting mocked by some inferior actress), never before heard or cared Marion Cotillard who has too much screen time and is completely wooden and emotionless, Brendan Gleeson has about 5 minutes of screen time, wow, and still listed fourth in the credits. I don't know why these great actors went to this crap-fest of a game movie. Are they short on cash? At least the visuals for the movie look good but don't they always in modern movies. Really hard to find positive points here.

This is honestly the worst movie I've seen in theaters. Yesterday this movie had a 6.8 rating here. Today, 6,6 and I'm expecting it goes down even further since generally people (even gamer kids) are not that stupid.
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