The Grand Tour (2016–2024)
Grand Tour has delivered the goods!
18 November 2016
So there was nothing to worry about after all! After the kerfuffle surrounding the end of the three presenting TG at the Beeb, I honestly thought that wherever they went nothing would be the same again in the motor show universe.

Well I am happy to report here that I was wrong, sorry let me write that again properly. I was WRONG! Yep it needed the capitals.

Amazon threw a lot of money at GT, probably 10 times the budget that TG enjoyed and today there must be some very happy execs in that organisation. The show is at once familiar and different, Richard Hammond's boyish charm (my wife is happy), James May's nerdy appeal and Jezza's sardonic take on everything - all is as it was, but there is also an excitement to GT that TG lacked, a production value that exceeds anything that has gone before as far as a magazine show is concerned.

I'm not going to go into any details, no spoilers here, but the whole show is spectacular, great cars, great music, great scenery and most importantly of all - great presenters. If you liked TG you are going to love GT!
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