This Is Us (2016–2022)
Without equal so far this season....
16 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
2022: So a few years later this show has come to an end - after maybe 5 years of the Pearsons, it was time to say goodbye.

The progressive life stories were in the main interesting and enjoyable storytelling, and unusually for me I did manage to keep a handle on all the time jumping going on, though the change of actors playing your versions mid way through was a turn off.

I felt as though this show tried hard to capture the magic of season 1 every year, but it never really achieve that goal - mid way through things did start to feel done and lacking and as though they were struggling with ideas. The final season concluded most storylines, but some were certainly never progressed beyond short scenes shown at various points in season 3/4/5 - and also some of those stories were perhaps not pivotal to the overarching story, they were the start of exploration of secondary characters lives as adults that never really went any further, instead they focussed mostly on the love life of Kevin and the drama of kate and Randall.

After all this time, there is no denying that Mandy Moore has more talent as an actress than most would have imagined, probably considerably more talent than she does as a singer if her recording history is anything to go by. It would be interesting to see if perhaps a show turns up at some stage that explores more about the grandchildrens lives and experiences, for example, how did Jack become a rich hollywood celebrity, was Tess a lesbian afterall, what about the twins - there were a lot of stories that could have be explored and perhaps in the end everyone just got a little bit tired and over it - so will there be a spinoff, maybe, and would that spin off have enough material to make a few seasons of shows, yep I would say there are enough loose ends to do that, with the occasional appearances of the leads from the main 'this is us' show... afterall, they are a family and you can't have the grandkids without the grandparents and parents.... It seems like an opportunity to do more, and to perhaps rediscovery the joy and remarkableness that was season 1.

In the end, This is Us was an all around great show, it was very well acted and despite dips here and there the stories were usually interesting and fairly realistic. I feel like it was let down by an ending that felt hastened by a decision to end it by the studio or the actors or both.... I will keep an eye out for a reboot or spinoff of some sort, afterall, these days imagination in the tv industry is lacking and so it might just prove that the Pearson's are a family that is easily reinvented from another perspective.

Thats it for 2022.

All too often one ends up writing a review about a show that is less than amazing, often out of frustration, annoyance or plain old bored at yet another half as*ed attempt to get viewers to tune in with little effort on plot, dialogue or acting.

I'm so pleased to say, this show is the opposite of it all, it is a delight to have found amongst the tedious modern take on entertainment.

The tale is one of life, of seemingly unrelated people who share something in common, well that is the opener, the twist reveals itself blatantly at the end of episode one, and I didn't see it coming, so far episodes 2 and 3 have not delivered quite that surprise, but what they do deliver is excellence in acting, excellence in storytelling, and a compelling narrative and the continued potential for greatness.

The characters are increasingly well developed with main and side stories in abundance, it has so far kept me interested and perhaps most importantly for a show, invested in who these characters are, and the journey they are on.

There is something spine tingly about the show, as others have stated it can be an emotional journey, with moments of humour and moments of laughter and joy.

It is merely 3 episodes in, but I am hoping we continue to explore the stories being told here, that the cast continues to deliver compelling acting and that the script writers take us on a human journey with all the typical highs and lows that involves. I am looking forward to more, much much more.

If you hadn't noticed, I'm impressed by the acting cred of these people, with a couple of exceptions these actors aren't one's I've seen before, but they are doing an awesome job here.

So for a change, i'm so please to commend this show to others, to say it needs to be watched with patience, with curiosity and and open mind and heart.
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