People are taking it a bit too personal, it's an okay but also unnecessary movie
29 September 2016
The remake everyone hates...if we judge by the number of dislikes on youtube for the trailer. The reviews weren't too kind either. But I have seen a couple movies in my time and I think I realistically knew what to expect from this film. GB2016 is certainly not as bad as all the press would have you think. The 'if you don't like this movie you hate women' spin that Sony put on it in an attempt to shush the haters was maybe not the best approach either. It's like this: people remember the original very fondly. It had a great atmosphere, good acting and humor and brought us great entertainment. The fact that they are remaking a film that doesn't need to be remade (just watch the original again youngsters!) is enough to get anyone's blood boiling and is a large part of the reason people were p*ssed off without even having seen the trailer. Also Paul Feig (dir of Bridesmaids & The Heat) with his awkward comedy that often doesn't work and makes you squirm in your seat had me very worried. Fortunately the comedy wasn't too bad here. The 4 girls did a decent job -I very much liked Kate McKinnon with her dry in your face funniness- but they are never at the same level as the original cast. And neither would male actors have been for that matter. The VFX are decent but I was wondering the whole time why this film had cost 144m$ to make? Some people must have had some very nice paychecks. The movie looks like it could have been made for half the price... Conclusion: it's an okay film, you won't be bored (I wasn't) but it just won't be a classic like the original and it will probably be more remembered for all the controversy than for the film itself.
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