A work of audio-visual art
11 September 2016
I'm sure lots of people won't get this movie so it's probably going to be a 'like it' or 'leave it' flick. I liked it. The Neon Demon is visually stunning and has a hypnotizing quality thanks to the combination of images and the excellent soundscapes delivered by Refn's house composer Cliff Martinez. The film's story seems superficial and shallow and all focused on looks very much mirroring the world of modeling which is what this movie is about. It's hard to describe this movie, you have to like the 'feel' and style of it. For me this movie proves that movies don't always have to be story driven but rather can be works of visual art. Although I found 'Only God Forgives' a tad better, I do give a big thumbs up to this one and recommend you check it out!
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