About the closest thing to a live action game you'll ever see...but you can't play
29 June 2016
This movie is entirely shot in POV and about the closest thing to a live action game I ever saw. Though I wouldn't want to have been on the first row in the cinemas coz the camera shake is a extreme as the action (which can be pretty graphic at times). Look, if you're going to see a movie like this you know what you're getting. The story is nothing original and seems like cheap combination/ripoff of F.E.A.R. and Duke Nukem 3D (both excellent first person PC shooters). The acting varies from okay to horrendous (the bad guy is irritating as hell). Music wise we get some pop/rock songs, some in horrible Russian but it's safe to say you wont rush to your local store to but the soundtrack. The best part of the films are the gunfights and parcour-like running and jumping action. It's quite impressive they were able to pull all this off for a lousy 2m$. The VFX were done in open source Blender and the filming was done with GoPro Hero 3 camera's. Hardcore Henry is a testament to what you can do with affordable digital technology these days. Is it a good film? No. But it's braindead fun. You could compare it to Crank which was better, funnier and more over the top (which a film like this really needs to be). But I can imagine some people getting sick (literarily) from the 96 min POV violence fest. And it can be a bit like watching someone else play a game, but sometimes it's more fun to play yourself ;)
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