Review of Deadpool

Deadpool (2016)
The anti-superhero superhero movie
28 April 2016
I was very curious about and eagerly awaiting to see this film as the reviews about this one were overly positive despite some criticism left and right. Well I can tell you right of the bat: this movie is fracking awesome! So the naysayers were dead wrong (pun intended). It was a very bold move putting the same actor who played a much despised version of Deadpool in X-Men Origins in a completely different movie. But they play it very smart: deadpool is a smart-mouth character and says basically everything what he (and the audience) is thinking. This makes for some very good jokes and the humor (though some might call it crude or a bit offensive) is just excellent and works great! As terrible as Reynolds was in Origins, here he embodies the character perfectly. The script is written very well and the director (a director and creative producer for CGI shortfilms and cinematics at Blur Studios) clearly understands the material and has knack for bringing it to the screen in the right way. You could say this is the anti-superhero superhero movie. After all the 'straight' superhero flicks of which we might have seen too many, this is a fresh breeze and welcome addition to the genre. So if you see one superhero movie this year see Deadpool. If you are sick of or hate superhero movies this is also right up your alley. Very highly recommended!
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