Oh dear the Force is Weak With This one .
30 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear what a disappointment !

All the other Star Wars films are part of 'The Saga' adding to and explaining, the original story. How the Empire came about, where Vader came from etc etc. I expected this offering to show 'what happened after'. I expected an exciting original film which would take it's rightful place in the great saga that is 'Starwars'.

'The Force Awakens' adds nothing to the saga. Nothing at all, There is nothing original.

it just recycles and re-packages the classic scenes from the preceding films. It is a blatant and cynical method of making money from the 'brand'.

In fact if you haven't seen any of the previous films you can just watch this one.

Darth Vader is now a petulant teen with a different mask and name

He is no longer Luke's father, He is now Hans Solo and Leia's son.

The Evil Empire is now called the New Order

The Emperor is now a giant cgi 'Gollum' and nowhere near as sinister or evil.

The young Luke Skywalker is now a girl called Rey.

A certain droid has vital info for the rebellion (now called the resistance) which is a map that shows the location of a former jedhi knight OB1 Kenobe, now called Luke Skywalker.

The evil empire (i mean the 'New Order') has a death star, now rebadged as a planet, with the capability to destroy planets (just like a death star)

Hans Solo is let out of his care home to go disable the shields with chewbacca (sound familiar) now accompanied by a renegade storm trooper (who was actually quite a good character but under used)

Leia is let out of re-hab to be a general of the resistance (apparently she's no longer royalty)

In short they destroy the planet sized re-badged death star, everyone cheers because evil is defeated, and the film ends with Rey discovering the almost mythical Luke Skywalker (who looks a dead ringer for Oliver Reed)

Another film where the hype bears no relationship to the substance. The film makers clearly set out to make a lot of money standing on the shoulders of classic films. They achieved their aim and made a lot of money.

Sadly the only notable thing about 'The Force Awakens' is that ( by a long long way), it is the worst film of all the Star Wars films.

Don't bother paying to see it at the cinema. It will be on TV very soon and be at the Supermarket in the DVD bargain bucket.

The Force didn't 'Awaken' for me. It just went back and re-hashed old story lines and characters.

Unoriginal, unimaginative, uninspiring. What a shame!

How do writers with so little talent, get employment on such big projects?.

Seeing the 10 stars reviews I can only assume some are paid to give such glowing reviews. Others must be under the influence of a Jedhi Mind trick (which does effect the weak minded). I presume those giving scores of 1 or 2 are a backlash to this.

It is a very mediocre offering and certainly did not live up to my expectations or the hype/advertising around it. 6/10

They obviously will be making the follow ups but after this I doubt I will pay to see them. very disappointed.
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