6 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
You should only watch this if you don't care or want to see the 'old gang' back together and as you would imagine them to be 30 years on.

Going in to this I had a relatively short list of what I hoped the movie makers wouldn't do. The main one being break the team up...and what do you read in the opening crawl...they've broken the team up. Why? Because of lazy writing and because they wanted us all to love the new and shiny characters they've foisted on us. so they made the old characters act like complete and total losers, like others have said Han goes back to smuggling and ripping people off, he's left his wife, Leia's back to being cranky and she's got no relationships left except for the droids and seriously that red arm is just dumb.

We've got another Skywalker as the bad guy, Han and Leia broke up and Luke's gone off on some yoga retreat. And don't get me started on the supposed bad guy...what a joke. Equipment is expensive but apparently the 'first order' (whatever the F that is) don't care that he routinely smashes all their expensive equipment.

The Force is treated with no respect at all. On one hand it doesn't seem to work ie Leia can't find Luke and Kylo can't sense his father three metres away, but then it works all the time for our new 'heroes' but I'm sure Disney will dismantle them too when they want to sell more useless bits of plastic.

It's like Disney figured everyone complained about too much 'story' in the prequels and to make it easy on people (cos they figure we're all stupid) they'd get rid of the history totally. The easiest way to bring in a new baddie is to make him a Skywalker, make him responsible for the downfall of the old heroes and then get him to kill one. Star Wars was originally about redemption but I don't really see what message it sends that someone can murder their father in cold blood to then be redeemed (assuming that's the direction they go in).

This movie will be forgotten very quickly and Star Wars is just a new Transformers/Avengers type franchise. Nothing special anymore. Not a moral tale, seriously how inappropriate was Han's death for a movie for kids? It will get recast and remade over and over. No one will love these new characters as much as the old ones.

Disney has wasted a golden opportunity. I don't consider this movie Canon. Bring back George
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