Interstellar (2014)
Pretty Pictures do not make up for the lack of story
20 May 2015
You would think the story is adventurous, exciting, beautiful! Its not at all what I had hoped. It is slow, dark as a black hole, loud as an old Barton Theater Organ playing Fugue in D Minor interesting as a litter box.

The story is thin.....I can't blame the actors, the entire plot is pretty simple. Can't inhabit earth, find somewhere else to live. Interstellar is a repeat of time continuum stories you have heard or seen before, I wont spoil it, but it's all been told before.

Dialog is dreary, slow, ponderous. The comparison to 2001 is preposterous. The wonder and awe of 2001 and other movies before it was it had never been done it was the first. 2001 was all done without the advanced technology we have in computer imagery we have today. 2001 was a pioneering effort. This is not at all pioneering, inventive or surprising if you read science fiction at all.

The imagery is not all that unique or impressive. The constant thumping and droning of background music was mind numbing. Most of the show I was trying to nod off, but for the LOUD THEATER ORGAN playing in the background I probably would have.

I have to agree with some of the reviewers who thought the whole show was ridiculous and in some ways they are right. Somehow science has advanced enough to create interstellar space travel but not far enough to build power cells, clean power, they are still burning fossil fuels. The robots are Lego like, silly looking clunks of stainless is all so ridiculous.

I would not call this HORRIBLE or AWFUL I have seen some real stinkers over the years. Interstellar is not so ridiculous it is a parody of a good movie it is just not a great movie some had hoped it to be.
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