Better Than I Expected
5 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this available on Netflix a little while back, and it looked to me like one of those countless direct-to-demand B-movie releases, but this film actually turned out quite good.

Wes Bentley, who I read had taken an absence from acting due to a drug habit, returns to acting as a family man and insurance claim investigator, who upon losing his job turns to a life of crime. He befriends a detective played by Jason Isaacs ("The Patriot"), who I had to look up to remind myself who he is. He is quite good in this as well- gives a very subtle performance as a flawed, yet decent man, trying to do the right thing in a world that makes that difficult.

Now I will say this about this film. Possible *SPOILER*. I actually expected much greater catastrophe than what actually ends up going down, and thought that maybe the director should have went down that path a little more, but overall, I enjoyed this film. If you're expecting an action-packed thriller, this is not the film for you- it's much slower- moving and more thoughtful. And kudos for a nice return-to-acting performance from Wes Bentley- I always liked his style; especially the way he can be so powerful with the expressions in his eyes. I've noticed this about him ever since his breakout performance in the 1999 Oscar winner, "American Beauty". Vinessa Shaw and Keith Carradine co-star.
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