Family Guy: McStroke (2008)
Season 6, Episode 8
The One Where Peter Has A Stroke...
26 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. It's one of my all-time Season 6 episodes. It's just so funny.

In this episode, Peter decides to grow a mustache because mustache people are just so much more awesome then regular people. He walks past McBurgertown, a fast food restaurant that is on fire. Peter saves the manager, and sadly, his mustache burns off. But the manager gives him free burgers for life. So one day, Peter eats so many burgers, and I mean literally thirty burgers in one sitting, that he has a stroke. So he decides to sue the restaurant. I mean, even though he ate way too many burgers for one person in one day, they still shouldn't be able to give him a stroke.

Fun Fact: McBurgertown is a parody of McDonald's.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Freaking Ridonkulous.
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