The Fosters (2013–2018)
Bananas Fosters
25 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Every person in the show, every week, has a life altering situation to deal with. Everyone is so somber. They all love each other, but there is very little joy or happiness in this family. Both parents constantly drone on about communication, yet they and everyone else in the family are always telling lies or keeping secrets (but it is always purported as to spare others feelings or as an act of complete selflessness toward someone else). In spite of all this, the children are spoiled, selfish, misguided, and care little about others. They continually make foolish decisions and basically turn situations that any normal person would just shrug off into personal catastrophes. The young boy seems to blankly stare off at the ceiling all the time and rarely has anything of substance to say. The parents, if you could seriously call them that, handle every situation in as irresponsible manner as possible. I'm sure they are supposed to represent modern, hip parents, but instead come off as total failures. And enough already with the Dance Team storyline. What educational institution would let students solely audition and pick participants for a sports team? For a show that is set up to offer an endless series of interesting stories, the writers of the Fosters have chosen to take every person, in every scene, of every episode and inject as much melodrama into it as possible. That doesn't make for compelling TV, it makes the show predictable and tiresome.
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