Crazy, over-the-top ultra violent fun!!!
22 December 2014
I just came back from a pre-screening of 'Kingsman' and let me tell you: if you liked the first Kick-Ass, you are going to LOOOVE this film! I would never have thought that a stiff Brit like Colin Firth could pull off action - but boy, does he whoop ass in this one. I thought the story was rather original (don't know the Comic), it's a bit like an ultra violent James Bond parody. Or better: a crossbreed of Bond and Kick-Ass. Finally an action movie that doesn't use kiddie-gloves. The kid who plays the recruit is also worth mentioning. I've never seen him before but he really nails it. There's a lot of humor in this film, it really doesn't take itself too seriously, but it's not overdone. And Sam Jackson finally found something he hasn't done yet. I guess his role was already spoiled a bit in the trailer, but believe me: you haven't seen Jackson in this kind of part before. This is an excellent, over-the-top bloody and sexy film for fans of old-school action films. I give it 10 stars. Highly recommended!
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