Review of Automata

Automata (I) (2014)
tgchan says YES! /
6 November 2014
I am really excited about this one! Sounds like a new Blade Runner! I expect nice visuals, some action and decent story. I just hope it will be at least above average. Let's go!

3 minutes - damn! It looks like Christmas came early! Cyberpunk and post-apocalyptic stuff in one movie! Amazing!

8 minutes - oh my god... so far it is perfect! Please let it only be better! Please...

27 minutes - Rachel... ? Really? Does this movie not have enough similarities with Blade Runner (1982) already? At least they could think of another names...

35 minutes - oppression... I truly hate seeing it... I have already sympathized with the robots. The movie is filled with dark and gloomy atmosphere which is great

44minutes - holy canoly! Now that was not expected! Even though it has not been boring even for a second, this was the first real action-packed scene.

54 minutes - I really, really like it! The robots are so adorable and well detailed. What is more important, they look real! I mean terminator like real! No CGI bullsh*t... and I appreciate it a lot.

1h 28 minutes - still a decent movie so far... I am afraid the robots will die though... they seem to be so helpless against human brutality... I thought it is going to be a very similar flick to Blade Runner (1982), it turns out... it's very different.

1h 37 minutes - nooooooooooooooooooo! No! No! No! OMG...

Damn... It was really good! Totally different experience that I have expected. Music and Antonio Banderas felt a little off in this movie but I have truly enjoyed every minute of it!

tgchan's rating: 7/10
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