Flying Without Wings...
3 October 2014
What a huge disappointment this turned out to be, after all the hype & the glowing reviews from some quarters - I'm really at a loss to see what all the fuss is about. The first episode was very weak, but I thought I'd give it one more chance.... but there was no improvement with episode 2 either.

It's not especially funny, it's not particularly clever, & it's just terribly dull. I admit that Bret & Jemanine are good at knocking out the odd witty, spoofy & ironic folky tune about the vagaries of life, but you get the feeling here that that's as far as it goes. One or two songs, stretched & padded out with other material across 25 minutes with no real plot to speak of doesn't really make for classic comedy, & leaves the viewer feeling rather short-changed. I'm just amazed this show ever got commissioned into a series! Another problem is that you don't particularly feel any sympathy with the characters themselves - I found myself not really caring what happened to them, bad or good, & not making any emotional connection to them. To be fair, I think the genesis of a good idea is lurking here, but it needed a great deal more development, & would have benefited hugely from a top-notch script editor - one who could perhaps have crafted their paper-thin comic noodlings into some kind of cohesive plot & made it more palatable.

Please don't buy this without at least viewing some excerpts on YouTube first (as another reviewer has also recommended) - at least then you won't potentially waste your money like I did (my copy will be going to the local charity shop). There are so many excellent comedy shows out there - sadly though, this isn't one of them.
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