Pacific Rim (2013)
It's certainly not clever, but it is fun.
10 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
To all the reviewers who gave this movie low ratings, I can only say this; What did you expect to see? Did you watch this expecting to see something deep and meaningful? The trailers and posters make it perfectly clear what kind of movie this is going to be. Heavy CGI, regular Hollywood 'save the planet' storyline re-run. Young eye candy super hot actors. You know the score. If you want to see something clever, this is not it and it was never going to be.

Question is, does it do the job it sets out to do? I think it does rather well, yeah OK, it's cheesy as hell and you know how it's going to end before it starts, ( the world will be saved right? ) considering it's being told in retrospect the clue to the inevitable ending is there in the first 10 seconds of the movie.

I liked the mind meld idea of the 2 pilots, and I thought they covered most bases explaining the technology behind the enormous robots (Jaegers) pretty well. It does have a few technical plot holes here and there, but the film does have a 'let's just get on with it' kind of feel. The alien creatures (Kaiju) are great and the robot v monster battles are superb. Towards the end the pace picks right up and the story starts to fall apart a bit, but by that point who cares? In general Pacific Rim is a fast paced, slick looking piece of techno-action that most Sci-Fi fans will enjoy. It's big, loud, dumb and very pretty, largely due to Guillermo Del Toro being at the helm.

It's Sunday afternoon on the sofa material I think. I know these kind of films are 'designed' for the big screen, but honestly I prefer them at home most of the time. Unless of course, you like feeling as though you are sitting the middle of a continuous explosion for and hour and half.
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