Better than most zombie films
23 August 2013
This movie does what I have always wished zombie movies would do. Make the men fighting the zombies competent but not superhuman. The "good guys" shoot with accuracy and don't waste ammo. They also don't just stand still and let the zombies eat them - they fight like their lives depend on it! When they do die the soldiers/mercs die because even though they fought well they were simply over run by superior numbers not because of total complete incompetence which is the standard for 99% of zombie flicks.

Most movies like this have some sort of special forces or organized shock troops that go into battle against the zombies and then just slowly take random unaimed volleys into the zombie crowds with little or no effect and then die pointlessly- their entire lives full of training and discipline completely forgotten and unused- VERY unrealistic. This movie doesn't do that- it is the complete 180 degree opposite and makes you like the characters and want them to live! Fun movie for action and sci-fi fans.
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