Dolph had it better in the old days
11 August 2013
I was prepared for some serious action, some killing, shooting, skullsmashing, bonebreaking, and other "gourmet" stuff action, and i got it all. But the quality was very low. i watched many movies with predictable outcomes, and the whole umbrella slideshow of movies, and this one was even worse, than the last mila jovovic's zombie killing spree. The CGI was very low quality, and if you say you can make better effects in some iPhone app, i would believe you. The robots were okay, but the gunshots and shooting really not believable, as all the zombie killings. Shaky camera didn't save the action parts of this movie and the cheesy dialogs didn't help the atmosphere either. Sometimes i just didn't care enough for the characters to survive or what they would even say, and who will turn out to be the bad guy. Not even worth the popcorn i wanted to eat with it but thankfully i didn't and saved for a better movie. For all you action junkies, avoid this one. Dolph is reaaaaaaaaally old now and he should be running. Should make only still shots and no action movies, because he really can't move and kick, and smash and any other quick movements like in the old days of Red Scorpion. I didn't get it. why he did this movie. But hey, you gotta pay the rent somehow!
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