Pacific Rim (2013)
Pacific Rim pays tribute to modern cinematic technology by proving to the world a blockbuster no longer requires decent actors and scripts
16 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went into the theater expecting to see a cartoon for adults and that is exactly what I paid for.

Guillermo Del Toro is an extremely talented director, producer and above all an extraordinary artist. Pan's Labyrinth gave justice to his talents and "The Strain trilogy" exemplifies his talents as a creator and innovator of interesting mind-grabbing stories/plots.

However, Pacific Rim was a horrible movie not only because it lacked substance (a clear plot, climax, resolution), but because it proved to audiences everywhere that Hollywood no longer requires decent actors and plot-lines to create a blockbuster movie.

The only intricacies and attention to detail that could be found in this movie was in the CG design of the so called Jaegers (Robots). Yet, the movie served to ignore the basic human sense of sight when most of the movie took place in a dark setting. It was a metaphor of how the movie itself was a black hole of cash and talent with all the darkness sucking and robbing people of their investments and experiences.

An episode of Beast Wars that I watched as a young child had more substance and gave more satisfaction to its audience than this movie. Pacific Rim is a destruction to the art of cinematography in that its business model lies in providing the awe-factor, shocking the audience into believing the movie is great with bling. Expensive jewelry doesn't make a woman more beautiful, it just proves that she has the money to afford it, and that is exactly what Pacific Rim accomplished.

The movie is just a failure of epic proportions and the fact that it rates a 7.9 on IMDb just proves that we, the collective audience, have just stopped caring. Movies no longer provide us with mind-blowing catharsis, they are now just a means of blowing off steam.
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