Crazy, Outrageous, Corny but Oh So Much Fun
27 March 2013
Olympus Has Fallen (2013)

*** (out of 4)

Former Presidential guard Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) finds himself going up against a group of terrorists who have overtaken the White House and now have the President of the United States (Aaron Eckhart) held captive. Banning must go thru the White House to save the President's son as well as try to save the main man before the terrorists get ahold of what they're after. Look, if you're walking into OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN expecting some sort of heartfelt political drama then I'd recommend leaving before the trailers are over. If you're looking for an outrageous, over-the-top, corny, goofy madhouse then this here will be your cup of tea. There's no question about it but director Antoine Fuqua does a terrific job at keeping the action moving at a fast pace and giving us some characters to root for. The film really does seem like a throwback to those films of the 1940s that were made when the U.S. was involved in WWII. Those films were very patriotic, waved the U.S. flag proudly and didn't give a darn about anyone else. This film certainly waves the flag with the villain being North Korea and I must admit that I was a little shocked at how blazing the film was in painting them as pure evil. I was also shocked to see how many guts this film had because at no time did you ever know where the story was going to go because you even have women getting beaten, which is usually something that doesn't happen in these type of films. The action is pretty much non-stop after a somewhat silly opening where we see the "tragic" circumstance that leads Banning away from his job. It doesn't take long for the guns to start firing and we're treated to all sorts of fights, explosions and violent deaths. The film is really over-the-top in terms of its story but it's equally matched by the graphic violence, which just makes for a fun time. There's even a torture sequence, which contains some hilarious dark humor. The cast is another major plus as Butler has no problem playing a sympathetic tough guy and of course Eckhart can handle his part. The supporting cast is just as fun and includes Melissa Leo, Dylan McDermott, Morgan Freeman, Angela Bassett and Robert Forster. Again, the plot itself is pretty far-fetched and there's no question that the film doesn't try to be anything other than a popcorn movie. I think it really succeeds all around and is certainly one of the better action pictures so far in 2013.
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