Review of Retreat

Retreat (I) (2011)
21 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers


*At first, it appears as though his sickness is just of the mind. He acts weird, asking odd questions that could make someone vulnerable, depending on the answer. "Do you have any weapons?" The look on his face when he said that made me immediately think, "Sociopath". I honestly thought the guy was just your garden variety psychopath from the get-go.

*This movie is long and drawn out. It's not until nearly the end that you find out he was telling the truth. Not the whole truth and it was too little too late, mind you. Of course, in true Kate fashion, she didn't listen. It gives some details on why their marriage was strained, but it doesn't really make you feel like you know them. I'm sure the actors did the best they could with what they had. It must have been excruciating, though, because it was terrible.

What I don't understand is, if the virus is airborne and so highly contagious, why would he allow them the opportunity to leave in the first place - when they had already been exposed and he claimed he was trying to contain it? Perhaps he was just playing with their minds, allowing them to think they had the upper hand. Thandie Newton - I liked her more in Chronicles of Riddick. 100% better. All in all, Retreat is awful. If you are looking for something that is depressing, this is it. Otherwise, don't watch it. Nothing could do a better job of ruining movie night.
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