Oh dear
21 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
What was I expecting? It was a pointless remake of a classic British film starring Nicholas Cage and re set in the States.

The first question I find myself asking is why did I watch this? Curiosity I think.

It really is quite simply terrible. Nicholas Cage when given free reign is a destructive influence to a film. Here he out loons even himself in one of the strangest performances I have ever seen.

Even writing about this film hurts. It's so utterly bad, I started doing the ironing to distract me. On a Sunday night.

The Original film is slowburn with a quirky offbeat kinda feel.

With a remake, all of the unknown plot points and twists from the first film would be apparent to the audience, so surely the impact would need to be replaced and the tension built through another means?

Wells sadly in this film having Nic Cage run around punching women in the face whilst dressed as a bear is about as tense as it gets.

Yes, that's right - he punches women whilst dressed as a bear.

Dear me.

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