Oh just fock off.
28 December 2010
I would love to become a film writer/director, but I often suffer self-doubts on whether I can write anything good or come up with a good idea. Weirdly Little Fockers gives me hope because I know that least I try hard with an idea and do not settle for less like the writers of Little Fockers.

Little Fockers is set five years after the events of Meet the Fockers. Greg (Ben Stiller) and Pam (Teri Polo) are happily married and have five year old twins, Sam (Daisy Tahan) and Henry (Colin Baiocchi). But after Jack (Robert De Niro) has a heart attack, he decides that that Byrnes family needs a new patriarch: Greg is the only man available for the job. Jack makes Greg perform tasks to prove him, by getting his kids into a good school and make himself financially secure. To do that Greg moonlights to promote a new Viagra drug for heart patients after being recruited by sexy pharmaceutical representative Andi Garcia (Jessica Alba). But there is distrust because of her good looks.

Now I confess that I am not a big fan of the 'Meet the Parents' series and the only reason I went to see it with people was because there were no good screening times for Tron Legacy or The Way Back. I had low exceptions and Little Fockers met them. Little Fockers follows the same formula of accidents and misunderstandings, with Greg and Jack constantly fighting and mistrust: surely wouldn't men have learn by now, they are meant to smart. Most of the humour is juvenile, mostly farting related. Fine for young kids, but at the same time there are a lot of sex jokes which takes away the family audience. This type of comedy and this series is stale: it is another example of a film franchise becoming too successful for its own good.

Little Fockers was directed by Paul Weitz, the less talented brother of Chris Weitz (the director of The Golden Compass and New Moon). It was obviously with his workman like direction and a lack of care in about the script and the performances that he made this film just for the money: well there is a recession. There was nothing inventive about this film.

Performance wise there isn't much to say, all the regular actors do their usual routine. This is one of Stiller's worst film, he needs to make more films like Tropic Thunder and I do wonder if Robert De Niro made a deal with the devil, he could star in films like the Godfather Part 2 and Raging Bull, but in the later had to make this rubbish. I hope Martin Scorsese comes in and saves his career. Owen Wilson was on auto-pilot and Jessica Alba was in the film just because of her looks. Surely Alba should get a better agent because all she does is strip off in her films (as a man I enjoy it, but as an enlightened person there has got to be more to her then her body).

Basically the only highlight of the film was the use of a smart child for some of the comedy: smart children are often more funny then dumb children in films.
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