this is less than a paycheck movie for VAN DAMME..contains spoilers
1 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So my review now of UNISOLS 3-regeneration (should be called D-generation)

This movie was a real letdown in almost every aspect, lots of great opportunities wasted. Having Dolph Lundgren on board should have given the chance to really kick ass, but it seems as if good ideas these days are more than a b ( or is it c?) movie-budget can afford. There was a glimpse of hope with Dolph , just a few more lines of dialogue..lol...he even requested it, before van damme blasted his head off!!! But if your set is only a Bulgarian ruin of an industrial complex, it seems there isn't much to work with...you have a Russian terrorist/freedom fighter, a crazed doctor, a Übersoldier-also Russian...a nice woman doctor who takes care of van damme in therapy,lol....but then sends him on a mission without really trying to keep him out of that...kay, orders n stuff, but hell...the story is thinner than a hair....van damme...I've never seen him play with less passion, he looked so tired, it hurt!

The brutality in this movie bored me to death, no choreography whatsoever, just blood and cracking skulls n bones...its not the bodycount that makes a movie good, guys....why do you do that....to kill off 20 guys in a rush doesn't tickle my balls at all...

there wasn't one funny line in this movie, not one!! If i remember correctly, that was a big part of the first film, and it worked.

Van Damme has very few dialogue, but he played a braindead guy anyways....why not get the doctor nurse kidnapped , thus giving him at least , sort of, a motivation to go in there... I dunno what else to write, i could go endlessly, but this movie isn't worth it. In the end, Van Damme runs away from the scene, no happy ending hugs, no closure, no nothing. It seemed to me as if that scene wasn't part of the script, but more like...he really wanted to get away from this joke of a movie...cant blame him, really. I give this a 3 out of ten, just for the few scenes of Dolph, who really was the only hope in this movie, but some retard decided to blow it. peace out, welcome to retard cinema.
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