18 April 2008
It must have been some kind of perverted fascination, that kept me watching this work. I won't say movie, because The Holy Mountain defies this definition. It is like Fantasia on a very bad trip, without the beautiful music but with tons of creative imagery.

It goes from simply strange to disturbingly revolting back to bizarrely funny and hypnotizingly symbolic. And after that, it does all those things at once. You need a VERY open mind or you won't even begin to feel anything remotely positive towards Jodorowskis piece of art. And art it is.

There once was this German comedian who performed in front of some art critics. He sang a very simplistic song about a wolf and a lamb. Than he screamed the word Hurz. And continued singing. That's not art in its common understanding. Hurz doesn't mean anything. It implies a deeper meaning where there is no meaning at all. It distracts from the real intention of the artist.

What is the real intention? To fool the audience.

This movie is 109 minutes of Hurz. You can over-interpret the symbolism and search for a meaning until your brain hurts. But you will never know the directors intention, because there is no way to tell what is earnest commentary on society, religion or similar important matter and what's just complete and utter nonsense.

You think, you found the meaning? You were fooled! You think, there is no meaning? You were fooled!

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