Review of Pieces

Pieces (1982)
Sherlocke Holmes meets Friday the 13th
13 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is funny, but not funny enough to watch more than once or funny enough to laugh at with friends (think Troll 2). Pieces is your typical 80's teen slasher movie with a little bit of murder mystery thrown in to make it unique (but not good). The story is about a faceless killer who goes around a college campus killing teenage girls at times when they just happen to be getting naked.


The beginning of the movie shows the origins of the mystery killer and explains why he has a desire to chop up ladies. Actually it doesn't really explain any motivation other than the dude liked nudie mags at a young age. The strange thing is the opening scene is set in the 40's. This is strange because the kid has a large collection of full color nudie mags and a nudie puzzle... in color... in the 40's. I didn't realize mags like Playboy were readily available in the early 40's, but that's beside the point. The kid's mother catches him with the puzzle and threatens to burn it all so he kills her with an axe and chops her up. What we should have learned at this point is that this kid is deranged and will do evil things as an adult, but what we've actually learned is this kid really likes his porn.

After that the text on the screen says it is now 40 years later, which seems like a pretty big jump for a movie that opens with a kid chopping up his mother. You'd think that something might have happened worth mentioning in the 40 year gap, but I guess he led a pretty boring life up until the mid 80's.

From that point random killings start happening at the college and you as the viewer are left to guess who the chainsaw killer is. The obvious suspects are a fat janitor who just happens to use a chainsaw in his daily work to throw you off, a loser kid who is recruited by the police and obviously can't be the killer because he's under 40 years old, a anatomy teacher who pops up right after each person dies just to throw you off, and the dean of the school who obviously couldn't be the killer because he's the dean and he knows police are there. Oh wait, he is the killer.

As I mentioned before this movie earns it's slasher movie title the old fashioned way...with half naked girls being hacked up. There's the stock skinny dipping scene, the overdone lockerroom shower scene, the 80's aerobic scene, etc. If you're reading this and are getting some wack ideas to go watch this movie for the nudity factor then simmer down, you already saw it all in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter.

Anyway, some of the ridiculous things about this movie to question are as follows: Before anyone is killed at the college a random girl is skateboarding down a sidewalk and skates face first into two guys carrying a pane of glass (the director must have pulled this idea from a Tom and Jerry cartoon). This makes no sense because she wasn't murdered... was she? There's no reason to believe the killer had anything to do with this and no reason for it to be in the movie.

As I said before, why is it 40 years later when all this happens? Why did the killer grow up and work his way up to becoming dean of a college before he began killing random women? Why? Apparently he waited 40 years and became a dean because the director thought the viewer would never guess the dean would be the killer. His whole life led up to this point just to throw you off when you were guessing who the murderer is.

One strange and funny scene is when the fat janitor guy stumbles upon one of the dead girls and then when the cops come in the room he goes WWF on them before they even ask what happened and just starts attacking everyone even though he's completely innocent and had nothing to do with the murder. Once again this is just a case of the director trying to throw you off as to who the killer is by making characters do things that would make no sense in real life.

The final problem I'll list about this movie is the last scene. It is so ridiclous and such a stray from the entire movie that I would say it ruins the movie if everything you had seen to this point hadn't already ruined it. After the cops shoot the killer in the head and throw a sheet over him another cop bumps a wall and a dead woman's body falls out onto the kid. OK, that's fine, it's supposed to be one final scare I guess. But then as everything is wrapping up and the cops are about to leave the house, the kid goes back to grab his coat and out of nowhere the dead womans hand reaches out from the sheet and begins to tear off the dudes wedding tackle THROUGH HIS JEANS. Huh? When did this become a movie about nut grabbing zombies? What the hell made the director throw in this wacky scene at the very end of the movie? The entire movie was about a chainsaw murderer not zombies. It's baffling, but I suppose there's no good way to end a movie this bad so the director just said what the hell.

As far as seeing this movie goes I would go straight to scene selection on the DVD menu, select the last scene, fast forward to the very end, and then watch the kid get his nads zombie scratched before you take the DVD back to Best Buy for a refund.
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