Review of Spider-Man

Spider-Man (2002 Video Game)
Good film
16 July 2007
I never saw this film in the theaters. I was never much of a Spider-Man fanatic, so I was not all that hyped to see the film in theaters. I wish that I had though as it is a very good film. With that, I don't think it is THE best comic to film ever, one of the best definitely, but not in my top 5. Still, it does exactly what it should and it does that very well.

Though I am not a professed Spidey fan, I am very familiar with the mythos behind him, the early ones that is. And that seems to be what they tried to stick with introducing the character to everyone. There are some changes, most notably his web coming from within him rather than from a contraption he builds, but it makes sense given how they handle the story. I thought they did a great job of honoring the classic Spider-Man and incorporating elements of the character from today.

The leads across the board are very well cast. I know there was some controversy with Dunst being cast to play a redhead. But she has great chemistry with Tobey and does a fantastic job of convincing you she could be the object of Peter Parker's dreams all these years.

Upon subsequent viewings this film has gotten better in my eyes. Had I posted a review of it when it first came out, I would probably given it a 6 tops, but with time and multiple viewings, I have grown to appreciate the effort that was put in and just how good the film is.

Great start.
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