A belated sequel that certainly doesn't disappoint!
9 July 2007
I have to say, I'm not usually a big fan of belated sequels to films made years ago - but I have to make an exception here as Die Hard 4 offers an amazingly good time and is surely the best of the sequels - possibly even the best Die Hard film period! The film is almost completely made up of relentless and heart pumping action sequences, and while it might not be life-affirming stuff, you wont care about much else while you're watching it - so it's safe to say that the third Die Hard sequel more than does it's job! As you would probably expect since this is the first Die Hard movie of this millennium, the plot this time round focuses on the internet. Most of the USA is controlled by computers, so naturally they find themselves with a big problem when someone hacks into the system and begins a 'fire sale' - in which all the essential elements of the USA (transport, communication, power etc) are systematically shut down to create confusion and chaos. Detective John McClane is dragged into this plot when he's sent to pick up a computer hacker wanted by the police.

One of the things I loved most about this film is the fact that it's just a straight action thriller and doesn't ever pretend to be anything that it isn't. There's no false patriotism or sentiment - it's all very straight up, just the way it should be! The film is directed by Underworld director Len Wiseman and it's clear that the man knows his way around an action sequence, as this film features plenty! The stunts involve all sorts from the standard trucks and cars to helicopters and fighter jets! It's not just the vehicles involved either that makes these scenes great to watch; someone has actually put some thoughts into them so they're not just merely the same old stuff. You've really got to hand it Bruce Willis too; he's 52 but fit as a fiddle and never looks out of place running round and fighting bad guys. He is joined by Justin Long, who is likable as the computer hacker who spends most of the movie running around with Willis, and Timothy Olyphant who is a surprisingly effective lead villain. Overall, so long as you don't go into Die Hard 4 expecting substance, there's no reason why this movie can't be enjoyed by all. Its pure action and entertaining throughout, and you really can't ask for any more than that! Just make sure that you see it in cinema.
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