The "hacker" stuff was a little much... BUT......
27 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie by the time the credits started rolling! I was like the other skeptics. "PG-13??? YIPPIE KAY AYE MOTHER-FATHER?" If you go into this movie knowing it's not going to be Nakatomi Tower, or With a Vengeance, you can save yourself a lot of whining. Die Hard 2, to the fans, was not a very good movie. THIS ONE makes up for it! There's wasn't much potty language, but realistically, I don't think anybody had any time to drop any F-bombs on account of them having to constantly dodge the real ones. At first the dynamic between McClane and the Mac Geek seems a little "ah here we go again, clash of the generations", and it doesn't seem like a real Die Hard movie until about 30 minutes into it, but once we start recognizing Shoe-less John, a lot of that goes away! The hacker stuff seems to get sort of hokey, at times, but a lot of Die Hard fans won't have trouble letting that slide since John couldn't be bothered with it; he's too busy kickin' ass and takin' names! The action scenes keep you on the edge of your seat at all times. This is definitely the next level of action flicks (best since Casino Royale). Some of the blows McClane delivers are so intense, even Chester A. Arthur felt them.

There's no rehashing of old characters to forcefully remind you it's a Die Hard flick. That means no Sgt. Al Powell, no Zeus, no Holly Gennero side story, no Inspector Cobb, hell, not even a Gruber family member! Also, there's no jurisdictional cliché argument he had with the LA cop or Airport Cop from the sequel we all like to pretend never happened.

Trust me, by the time he says "Yippie Kay Aye..." your jaw will drop! A MUST SEE for Die Hard fans!
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