Review of Dead Calm

Dead Calm (1989)
Rough Sailing
12 March 2007
This story starts off with a British Naval Officer leaving his ship for a furlough and is looking for his wife but she doesn't show up at the pier and things start off in a hospital and then a nice calm voyage in the open seas. Nicole Kidman,(Rae Ingram) plays the charming young wife and Sam Neill, (John Ingram) is Rae's husband who is a Naval Officer and this couple are looking forward to a enjoyable romantic sail away from their past problems. They encounter a man named Hughie Warriner, (Billie Zane) who is ship wrecked and a complete nut case. This film is full of horror and will keep you in complete suspense right to the very end. Nicole Kidman and Sam Neill gave outstanding performances along with a great supporting actor Billie Zane. Enjoy.
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