Snake Eyes
10 January 2007
What should have been an exciting action flick filled with dynamic entertaining special effects turns out to be a complete bore with cheesy computer graphics that make many a B movie look big budget in comparison. Even the humor, which is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek of the "Lake Placid" variety, falls flat. The snake going for the penis elicits only a chuckle rather than the intended cackle. Ditto for the snake crawling around the fat woman's boobs inside her dress. The only scene that actually turns out as funny as intended is the bathroom scene where the couple getting it on are attacked by the reptiles. When the middle-aged woman hearing the commotion comments on the guy's virility but then retracts her statement when the believed orgasm comes to a deadly halt is well timed and works.

Even the marvelous actor Samuel L. Jackson comes up short delivering a performance that is copied from his Jules Winnfield character of "Pulp Fiction" fame. What is appropriate for one film is not necessarily appropriate for another. He does play his part for laughs but the script and direction let him down.

Perhaps the worst part of the movie turns out to be the snakes themselves, the ones who are supposed to be the stars of the show. The generic hybrids, not really rattle snakes, nor pythons, nor coral, or whatever, but computer generated freaks, appear more curious than scary. And what's with the ending? Hasn't that trick been used ad nauseam?
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