Hard Candy (2005)
Can't see the appeal
7 January 2007
so, I watched this film without knowing completely what to expect. I knew it was about a pedophilia but that's about it.

I found the movie to be unpredictable in the "that so illogical" sense. Granted we were dealing with a 14 yr old righteous psychopath and a pedophile. I didn't get the message either. Is it a big @&!* you to pedophiles from underage girls? Is that really all the movie was about? I'm not trying to belittle underage boys/girls or women who have been taken advantage of but seriously, to make a movie where that's all it's about is senseless. Rape and pedophilia is about domination and control over the helpless victim and the role reversal was the only thing novel about the film. Overall, I found nothing to be insightful or otherwise original.

I'd like to point out that even though I don't like Sandra Oh (mostly cause she's fugly), I found her brief appearance brought a breath of sanity to a ridiculous situation and an overall ridiculous movie. I don't think I'd recommend this movie to many people because it just doesn't make sense most of the time and approaches the edge of tastelessness for most of the movie.

Spoilers from here on out***

So at the end, the pedophile decides he rather hang himself than deal with all the humility and shame of what he had done and potential jailtime for the mysterious disappearance of whatsherface (diane?). Haley wanted this all along without her presence there being known. So what was the point of staging the castration? to scare him to admitting in participating in diane's death? What's her obsession with Diane? Why could the pedophile suddenly break free of the rope after the supposed castration when he had all that time before his castration? I don't understand haley's decision to become this psycho champion of underage girls' rights. Nothing justified her decision (maybe except that it's just generally wrong). Even then, her vigilante spirit is undeserving of accolade.
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