Why? Why? WHY?!?!
11 October 2006
Now I know that when entering the magical world of Disney t.v. shows, it is almost a law to leave believability and credulity at the door before you step in. I have actually LET myself enjoy several Disney shows of the past and present (Lizzie Mcguire, That's So Raven, Hannah Montana.) What can I say? I'm a big 21 year old baby who enjoys her guilty pleasures every now and then.

However, I cannot,, for the life of me, understand how in the world people are able to convince themselves to like this contrived, unimaginative, unrealistic (yes, even more unrealistic than the average Disney show), and all-around bad piece of tripe--I mean, t.v. show, otherwise known as the Suite life of Zack and Cody. Now, I'm not feeling particularly articulate and energetic, so I will convey what I feel is wrong with this show in as simplistic and succinct a manner as possible:

In a nutshell: The acting. People are not joking when they say how horrible the Sprouse twins are. They ARE really bad. Bad even for Disney's standards. I'm no acting guru, but by golly those two "kids" really cannot deliver any line with the least amount of believability or realism. It often appears as if they're remembering the lines right there on the spot. The hell?

The plots: What's the appeal in watching two..."kids" run around and wreak mayhem in a hotel (which by the way, is unrealistic in itself: a FIVE STAR hotel that has a lobby the size of my room?) and interact with characters who are equally as annoying and unlikeable as they are? What element is there to relate to?

Maddie and London: These two I put in a category of their own. They're the cherry on top of a lopsided, messy, tasteless cake. Like the Sprouse twins, they have me lamenting over how much Disney has lowered their standards in the acting department. Ashley Tisdale just needs to drop off the face of the earth. She's not talented. She can't sing. Her role has no depth and no range, except if you count being an obnoxious airhead. Something about that girl just bugs me. She's one of the reasons (aside from the horrible Sprouse twins) why I couldn't get into the show from the start. No wait, I'm lying. Her obnoxiousness is only topped by Brenda Song's character. She's another that needs to just go away. This chick always plays the same type of snobby, rich, pretentious, and superficial roles and it's getting tiring. I do not find her appealing. I do not find her cute. London is an atrociously insipid character. I role my eyes and snort out in disgust over her pathetic antics. Actually, I role my eyes and snort out in disgust over her appearance in the show, period.

Now, I think I've written enough. My brain neurons are still throbbing from having expended so much needless energy. But seriously, I could sit here all night and recount all the things that are pathetic about this show. But I'm not. I've wasted enough time.
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