Review of Spin City

Spin City (1996–2002)
simply awesome
3 October 2006
This fantastic American sitcom is just to put it mildly simply AWESOME. From 1996-2002 it was the best sitcom on TV. better than Frasier, Becker, drew Carey show and certainly much better than the over rated and disgustingly over hyped FRIENDS, thats not to say those shows weren't good (save for friends)but spin city was refreshingly different. Michael j fox in the seasons he played the arrogant but caring deputy Mayor Mike Flaherty were some of the funniest TV performances i have ever seen and he thoroughly deserved his Emmy awards and of course who can forget the supporting cast... just brilliant. Stuart Bendeck (ALAN RUCK)i personally believe should have got a spin off show the man is such a perfect comedic actor his sexist remarks and facial expressions are just priceless, Carter Heywood (MICHAEL BOATMAN) as a gay rights activist and the only person who seems to be totally sensible and is yet just as neurotic and wacko as the rest is superb,The sexy as hell Nikki (CONNIE BRITTON) oh my god the thoughts I've had about her.... anyway another fantastic cast member who was MJFs love interest from the first season till MJF left in 2000 was totally superb and much sexier than any of the female cast in friends put together, and of course how can anyone forget Paul (RICHARD KIND)a lazy, offencive, crazy yet lovable press officer. some of his scenes especially with James (ALEXANDER GRABHAM) were just genius. of course i could talk about the other cast members most notably (JENNIFER ESPOSITO) and of course The mayor (BARRY BOSTWICK). They were characters i will never forget. Of course the introduction of Heather Locklear raised a few eyebrows and i for one was sceptical of the decision to bring her in, i don't know why maybe it was because the show was working really well that it didn't needed to be tampering with, but apparently the powers that be thought otherwise but never the less she proved herself to be an adequate acquisition even though it meant some of the cast that had been so brilliant in support was more or less moved to the background and when MICHAEL.J. FOX left in 2000 because of his Parkinsons disease i don't think it came to much of a surprise that a few cast members Ir, Nikki, James, Stacey etc. Getting Charlie Sheen in as MJFs replacement as the equally arrogant deputy mayor Charlie Crawford was another inspired piece of casting and he was more than a able replacement for MICHAEL J FOX and he was able to Carry Mike Flahertys traits and personalities and manifest them into his own selfish, egotistical way quite superbly. This show was for 7 years the freshest, sexiest and downright funniest show on TV. It was a damn shame that it got took of the air in 2002 and that the TV producers had decided to stick with friends (im sorry but i just think that show is so corny and syrupy and is nowhere near as funny that or people like to think it is)or Frasier etc, etc as entertainment, not that there was anything wrong with Frasier it was just time for them to call it day and thankfully not long after spin city ended it did. I personally feel that SPIN CITY can still be a success now as it was when it finished if some people just had a lot more believe in CHARLIE SHEEN. I personally don't think there was a better person to carry SPIN CITY in what was ultimately its final years than CHARLIE SHEEN so its good hes went on to even more success in the equally hilarious TWO AND A HALF MEN. God bless SPIN CITY. I give this 15 out of ten
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