Review of Black

Black (2006 Video Game)
Not the best game ever,but play it for what it's worth.
26 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Black is about a black OPS group that is uncovering a terrorist orginization called Seventh Wave. You play a guy named Jack Kellar. He the kind of guy who shoots first and asks questions later, and he takes orders from no one!!! Anyway, the game starts out with newspaper article about theories about Seventh wave and the Black ops organization. You get through the starting menu and then a Live action video of a prisoner (you) and a government agent interogating you. He threatens if you do not tell him about the operations the you took part in. That's basically all the cutscenes you are getting. you telling him what you were going after and then the level begins. The levels mainly consists of you shooting up terrorists and getting to the exit. It's Kind of like Doom minus the demons and the keycards. It's a standard FPS game and it has some of the best graphics availible for the PS2. Have fun Blowing off doors with a shotgun.
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