Pretty Baby (1978)
One of the worst movies I've seen in a long time
11 June 2006
I think "Pretty Baby" is the kind of flick that some movie connoisseurs will feel compelled to say they like. However, all the things I've seen it lauded for are in fact sub par - story, script, performances and cinematography. The one thing it has going for it is historical interest - it is a great snapshot of New Orleans in this era, touching on the US navy and its role in supporting, then ultimately wrecking, "red light" culture, as well as music, race relations, poverty and prostitution. In this sense it has a Upton Sinclair-like quality, and might be watched only for the purpose of learning about New Orleans.

But it falls far short of telling any kind of cinematic story. It feels from beginning to end like a cheap documentary, with no real concept of art or story telling, but only a "look at how bad this life was" approach. The movie is constantly interrupted by superfluous scenes that lead nowhere and add nothing, and is laced with moments that the director obviously thought were pregnant with meaning, but are actually just awkwardly long. I was begging for the credits to roll an hour before they did. The movie is sloppy and uninspired from start to finish, which is a shame because turn of the century New Orleans is a story that deserves to be told well.
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