Worth Watching For One Reason: Dustin Hoffman
6 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the sequel "Meet the Fockers" more than the original "Meet the Parents" for one reason: the performance of Dustin Hoffman. Overall, it was a fine ensemble cast and good scripting of the jokes and situations surrounding the irrepressible ex-CIA agent and family patriarch Jack Byrnes (Robert DeNiro). But Hoffman's character Bernie Focker, an attorney who retired to become a full-time dad to his son Greg (Ben Stiller), grounds this comedy in solid human values that raise the film beyond the level of nutty comedy.

I admired how Hoffman's character revealed genuine pain following the nasty remarks of Jack Byrnes. For example, the shrine of framed memorabilia of his son's accomplishments was ridiculed by Jack. One could empathize with Bernie's pain which he registered at the criticism. Indeed throughout the film, the most memorable scenes were those with Hoffman's character on the defense, but also taking the offensive against Jack.

The film also included some wildly funny moments, such as the teenager born out of wedlock to Greg's babysitter, a young lad with humongous eyebrows who was a dead-ringer for Ben Stiller's character and Jack's outrageous motor home rigged with listening devices, which provided him with his command center for spying on the Fockers. Much credit should go to director Jay Roach for outstanding comic rhythms, timing, and pacing.

In the end, this was thoroughly enjoyable movie, which had the surprising effect of providing a good window into family values unusual for Hollywood film comedies.
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