Man on Fire (2004)
One of the best thrillers in years; a hard-as-nails revenge flick with Washington in top form.
20 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I hate preachy revenge flicks. I pay money to go see a revenge movie, I want revenge -- not some tough guy learning that killing is bad, etc. Seriously, if I wanted a sermon on the importance of turning the other cheek, I'd either go to church or rent an eco-friendly Steven Seagal movie.

I'm a big fan of the revenge genre, there's something about the build-up that gets my blood boiling. I love getting attached to characters and feeling their vengeance, which is why I love revenge movies that go all-out and feature TRUE revenge.

COLLATERAL DAMAGE is a good example of a movie that just backed itself into a wall. It starts as a revenge movie and ends as a message against terrorism, war, and violence. In an Arnold Schwarzenegger film? Give me a break.

So I had never expected to see such hardcore material in MAN ON FIRE -- it's an all-out action thriller that takes no prisoners. When Denzel stuck a stick of dynamite up a man's anus, then blew him up, I thought, "Wow, this movie really isn't afraid of offending people."

Washington's character isn't likable which is part of the reason this succeeds. Most revenge movies feature heroes who, magically, don't seem to want to kill anybody. However in this, Creasy (Washington) is a bodyguard who avenges the death of a little girl (Dakota Fanning) and he does so with more than mere vengeance. "I'm going to kill everyone," he says, and then does, with no pity and no remorse.

In fact this actually reminded me of the Tom Clancy novel "Without Remorse," only it's even better. Scott is at the top of his game here, revolutionizing subtitles along the way and adding an unmistakable grain to his movie that only helps it become more memorable as a gritty revenge flick.

It also features both Christopher Walken and Mickey Rourke -- the Kings of Cool -- in the same film together. That right there makes the film worth seeing.

I agree with Quentin Tarantino. This is one of Tony Scott's best films and a great, hard-as-nails revenge movie -- I had expected little and got back a lot. A definite must-see, and an Oscar-worthy performance by Washington.

One of 2004's most underrated films. How did this get 30% positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes?!

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