Review of Gladiator

Gladiator (2000)
What a sad waste
20 January 2002
It's starts out like any good epic should with a masterfully filmed and executed exciting battle sequence that sets up the audience for one of those rare Hollywoodian confections that are both entertaining and artsy. Unfortunately, it all goes downhill from there. It isn't the performers faults since every single one of them give amazing, emotional, even, at times, riveting performances (the kinds you should find in better movies) and who give the whole picture more class than it deserves. It isn't Hanz Zimmer's nor Lisa Gerrard's fault since they have composed a score that's almost (and I do mean almost) as unforgettable as the Godfather's. And it certainly isn't Ridely Scott's fault since he yet again succeeds in immersing the audience in the world he has created. No, the ones who are to blame are the people who wrote the saccharine, clichéd, soap-opery script and who, in the process, have wasted all of this incredible talent. They should be fed to the lions. It's an entertaining B-movie that could have been a classic. Just like Titanic in a way.
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