Review of Night on Earth

Frederick Elmes best work
5 May 2000
Even allowing for Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart, this film probably features the best work of Frederick Elmes' life (Cinematography). The transitions from location to location are beautifully constructed; a series of intimate painterly portraits, introducing you to the vulnerable underbelly of each city. This also applies to the cut scenes between dialogue ... at times I was drooling! The characters are generally so well drawn that we can even forgive Winona Ryder's unconvincing tom-boy mechanic. Each twenty minute story is just long enough to engross and short enough to leave you happy that you didn't waste your time and you're ready for the next. And there's real comedy too ... farce, circus buffoonery and even belly laughs. I must admit, by the last story I did begin to tire a little of the format. It all finishes with not so subtle pathos (which I resisted) which highlights the unrelenting pain of life. Absolutely beautiful. Highly recommended.
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