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In retrospect, we were all too hard on this film
felgo30 January 2023
If you're a Millennial like me, you probably experienced the phenomena known as 'Titanic-mania' during your childhood, where everyone was obsessed with this movie. It was in theatres for almost a year, and every girl between 8-20 was obsessed with Leonardo DiCaprio. Titanic was everywhere in the late 1990s, and because of its popularity and reputation as a gushy romance movie popular with teenage girls, it attracted a lot of hate. Despite winning numerous Oscars, Titanic, for the longest time, had a negative reputation, especially among men.

In hindsight, if you had your image of Titanic shaped by the negative media landscape surrounding it in the late 90s to the 2000s, I highly suggest you give it another go. It really is a wonderful film, and it's enjoyable and fun even if you're a guy. The special effects are second to none, the acting is great and James Horner's soundtrack is absolutely majestic. Even the love story itself, while a bit gushy in parts, is actually quite sweet and endearing. Both Rose and Jack are full realized, strong characters who you care about.

My advice, especially to 20-30 something year old men who were told all their life that 'Titanic sucks', is to give it a chance. You're sleeping on not only a great drama, but a great action movie as well.
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One hell of a movie
tamerratorrence-4193625 June 2023
I've never watched Titanic until now. It caught my interest when I heard the story about those 5 people who lost their lives on an expedition to the Titanic.

I've heard about this movie for years and finally decided to watch it. It's honestly one of the best movies I've seen. I had so many emotions watching it. Laughter, tears, anger, terror etc.

The characters were phenomenal. To think of all of those people who really went through pure terror. I couldn't imagine.

Needless to say, if you have not seen this movie, please go watch it. I had to add it to my list of favorite movies.

Job well done to everyone involved in making this masterpiece.
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A Superb Epic
sddavis6316 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I avoided watching this film for the longest time. Long before it was even released I had dismissed it as an over-hyped, over-blown, overly romanticized piece of Hollywood schmaltz, and I wanted nothing to do with it. I never watched it in the theatre. I shook my head in disbelief at the 11 Academy Awards - even though I had never seen it. Then I was asked to be a judge at a high school public speaking contest. One of the girls spoke about this movie. "It was so great," she said. "You really felt like you were on the ship." "Nonsense," I thought. I shared my feelings with my fellow judges. One looked at me and said, "you might be right, but if she liked the movie that much maybe she'll want to learn more about the real Titanic. The movie must have done something right to get her so interested." "Well, maybe," thought I. Then it finally appeared on Pay TV. "OK," I thought, "I'll give it a look see." I didn't want to like it - and I didn't. I loved it! What a great movie.

Where to start? First - the directing. My high school public speaking contestant was right. James Cameron does a superb job of creating an almost "you are there" type of atmosphere. The gaiety of life aboard the most elegant ship in the world. The nonchalance as news of the iceberg first spreads; then the rising sense of panic. You don't just watch it; you really do feel it. Then - the performances. The lead performances from Kate Winslet (as Rose) and Leonardo DiCaprio (as Jack) are excellent - Winslet's being the superior, I thought, but both were good. They had their rich girl/poor boy characters down to a perfect "t" I thought. In my opinion, though, stealing the show was Frances Fisher as Rose's mother. She was perfect as the snobby aristocrat, and you could feel the fear and loathing she felt every time she looked at Jack. Then - the details. I'm no expert on the sinking of the Titanic, but I have a reasonable general knowledge, and this film does a super job of recreating the historical details accurately and then weaving them seamlessly around the fictional romance. Very impressive, indeed. Then - the song. Who can watch this movie and not be taken with Celine Dion's performance of "My Heart Goes On."

Problems. Well, the romance was perhaps too contrived, in the sense that I just don't accept that Jack could have moved so effortlessly from steerage to first class. (I know he was invited the first time; but he seems to keep getting into first class without being stopped until he's been there for a while.) The realities of the separation of the social classes were much more realistically portrayed, I thought, when the steerage passengers were going to be left locked down there after the ship hit the iceberg while the first class folks got to enjoy half empty lifeboats.

A minor quibble, though. This is truly an excellent movie. My only regret is not seeing it in the theatre, where I think it would have been so much more impressive.

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Amazing in 1997, 2005, 2015, 2030, 3010 & forever more a Masterpiece!
katherinegranada99520 January 2015
You can watch this movie in 1997, you can watch it again in 2004 or 2009 or you can watch it in 2015 or 2020, and this movie will get you EVERY TIME. Titanic has made itself FOREVER a timeless classic! I just saw it today (2015) and I was crying my eyeballs out JUST like the first time I saw it back in 1998. This is a movie that is SO touching, SO precise in the making of the boat, the acting and the storyline is BRILLIANT! And the preciseness of the ship makes it even more outstanding!

Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio definitely created a timeless classic that can be watched time and time again and will never get old. This movie will always continue to be a beautiful, painful & tragic movie. 10/10 stars for this masterpiece!
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How many times I watch this movie.... It's still the masterpiece.
TaylorYee942 September 2020
I have watched Titanic how many times I don't know. Everytime I watch it, I still cry, laugh, smile, and feel. The story flows with tension throughout the movie; two actors' acting and chemistry need applaud; Sinking ship is realistically filmed; 'My Heart Will Go On' is perfect fit for Jack and Roses' love story and is timeless as well. All the movie's factors are fully qualified. What more can I say? It is the masterpiece.
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Titanic masterpiece: an emotional and visual thrill ride
otr9131 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Titanic is one of my all time favourite films. I'm a 24 year old guy who has probably not cried in front of anyone since I was a kid, but this movie plays on my emotions more than almost any other.

We all know the ship will sink (does that even qualify as a spoiler?) but the build-up to this event - the smugness and over- confidence, assurances of it being "unsinkable" - tease the audience, almost to the point where you're like 'is it really going to sink?'

I thought the performances of everyone were magnificent: I cared about the characters and their lives on and beyond the ship. Taking the time to introduce everyone and weave their stories together was masterful, even beyond the main characters, like Fabrizio and Murdoch the First Officer and countless more. It was heartbreaking towards the end when you see the panic gradually set in, and it slowly descends into total chaos. You remember Jack telling Rose all the places he's going to take her to and you imagine their love- filled lives together. The Irish mother telling her children the fairytale, resigned to their fate. The violinists trying to maintain a spirit of composure amidst the carnage. And the music! Wow. I cried for all of this. And especially right at the end when you see the photos of Rose's life, knowing she's fulfilled her promise and survived, living a full life, probably never having met anyone she loved as much as Jack all those years ago.

Visually pleasing in every way, dramatic, musically astounding, great acting and above all a fantastic story make this an undeniably iconic, enduring film. A romantic-drama unlike any other. It deserves higher than 7.7.
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This was one of the few movies that actually brought me to tears.
rtivey9135 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Good Lord. This movie right here, it's a masterpiece. I am not exaggerating when I say this. Tonight was the first time I watched this. I watched some parts of it earlier, but I thought it would probably be boring, and that I had better things to do. Tonight I watched the whole thing with my grandmother. I was completely wrong on that. This was the best movie that I've ever seen, and probably ever will see in my entire life. Me and my grandmother were both in tears by the end of it. There were two scenes which made me cry: the part where the orchestra played "Nearer, My God, to Thee" and the end when all those perished on the Titanic applaud at the kiss of Rose and Jack. This movie was absolutely amazing and I would watch it over and over again.
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0U23 February 2020
Very beautiful and cinematic movie with lots of classic scenes.Also extremely sad at times.Absolute 90's classic.
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the last straw
MrsRainbow19 January 1999
This film and the adoration it has received from viewers and reviewers alike is one of the dominant reasons why I have decided not to attend any American made films this year. My reasons are too numerous and strongly felt to be reduced to 1,000 words. I think that this picture itself can take the place of my 1,000 words of disgust with James Cameron and the American film industry.
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STANDING OVATION! - (10 stars out of 10)
BJG-Reviews10 March 2021
The stage curtains open ...

Not since the advent of the 1995 film, "Braveheart", have I ever been as enthralled or emotionally invested into a movie as I was with "Titanic". I knew going in, just from the trailer and word-of-mouth, it was going to be good, but I had no idea the ride I was in for when the lights dimmed in the theater that night. I have never understood (and still don't understand) the negative backlash that I've read/heard when it come to this epic film. Because, it is just that - epic in every way, shape or form.

We follow along as a young wayfarer named Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) wins a ticket to board the Titanic in a game of chance. During its fateful voyage, he meets and falls for an upper-class girl named Rose (Kate Winslet). Under the thumb of her demanding fiance (Billy Zane) and her narrow-minded mother, Rose is introduced to a different side to life by Jack, and he helps her to find her own individuality and independence, alienating her from a life that she already despises. She must now decide if she'll choose to stay where she is, or leave and have a life with Jack - a decision that is further compounded when the mighty ship strikes an iceberg leading to the eye popping conclusion.

What makes this film work is the love story. A lot of the negative reviews I've read complain because there is a love story. But, without it, this movie doesn't work. I am not interested in watching a biography about the Titanic, I want a good story - and this movie certainly delivers that. I was completely invested in Jack and Rose, and when the ship began to sink, I was with them both every step of the way.

I highly recommend this movie at 10 stars out of 10. The event of the ship sinking alone was awe inspiring. You are right there in the scene. I could not take my eyes off the screen. The direction is tight, the special effects phenomenal, and the acting completely believable. DiCaprio and Winslet had perfect chemistry. I was affected and moved by "Titanic". And even knowing the outcome, I will happily get on board again and again.
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No "Night To Remember"
jbirtel2 July 2002
Watching 'Titanic' was like having 2 people wrestle with a remote channel changer. Just when the movie becomes (historically) interesting, the other person grabs the remote and switches it to a pedestrian daytime soap opera. Did Kate have to be on hand at every step that led to the sinking? (her and Leo are on the side of the deck where the ice hits, of course, JUST missing them; OH! let's put her next to the Captain when he learns Titanic's fate and lack of life boats). The tragedy was story enough and James Cameron did a brilliant business decision to shove a pre-teen love opera to the foreground so girls could flock to the theater over and over to see Leo alive again and again and again...! Give the channel changer back so we can please continue with the story of the ship. Yes, I heard some crying when Leo sank into the abyss...But no sniveling when the little boy (who Leo tries to rescue before the boy is grabbed away from his panicky father) is swept away by the flooded corridor. So much for crying priorities!!

I'm a big Cameron fan! Titanic has left him permanently wealthy. And he's tapped into a genre the same way Lucas tapped with Star Wars in attracting a select category of people that were willing to see this over and over (Titanic's billion dollar revenue was the result of many repeat viewings worldwide combining history with poster boy imagery).

Special effects were brilliant! But I'll take the 1958 black and white "A Night To Remember" movie instead.

Today's lesson: If you're going to use an ax to free someone shackled with chains, don't aim, close your eyes tight, THEN swing hard so you won't see the spraying blood. This is life and death...better leave it to luck!

7 out of 10
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mohammaderfan-021218 April 2021
I just want to say wether fictional or not this movie is a masterpice and how it have only 7.8 rantings.
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When the boat sinks, this film starts to rise
cricketbat5 July 2023
Since I was a teenager in 1997, I can say with some degree of confidence that Titanic was made for teenage girls. Almost all of my female friends of the time adored this movie and paid to see it multiple times in theaters, so I can see why it saw so much box office success. Also, there's no question that when the boat sinks, it's terrifyingly spectacular. However, the real downfall of this movie is the terribly corny dialogue. The script sounds like it was written by adolescents. Plus, the love story is overly melodramatic. I can see why Titanic made a splash, but I only really enjoy the last half.
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Despite a lot of plot flaws and conveniences, this really is one of the best films ever made.
paulclaassen3 July 2018
Ah, yes, the film that propelled Leonardi DiCapro to super stardom, became the first film to gross $1 billion, and stayed on the top of the box office charts for 12 years (only to be kicked off the top by another James Cameron film, Avatar).

It is said 'Titanic' is the film with the most continuity errors of all films. Despite this, though, the film was indeed a masterpiece. The sheer scale of the sets and entire production were simply mind blowing! The sinking of the Titanic was the greatest ship sinking scene EVER and was done with such meticulous detail that one would think they actually really sunk the ship. Off course, that was not the case, though, as it were all (very elaborate) sets, most of which were destroyed during the making of the film.

Leonardo made for a very likable hero, quite frankly one a lot of guys can relate to. The young lovers were so different and yet so alike, and their love story was almost endearing. I must admit, the jumping backwards and forwards in time was a bit unnecessary and resulted in an overlong epic. They should only have told the 1912 story. Apart from that, the film was thrilling, exciting and fascinating in every sense of the word!
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Why low score?
sucoaramada31 July 2020
People are crazy. They rate Avengers so high and they rate this masterpiece low? This is beyond absurd. You guys should encourage great filmmakers like this one not stupid ones like the super hero franchises. For the love of god.
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Don't get the low rating
Louloulemon31 January 2021
The low rating makes no sense to me at all... This movie is magnificent, so well made, the acting is superb. Anything below 9 doesn't do it any justice.
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frosty-444319 February 2021
This is just a record breaker and you can see why. Even to this day I find anything Titanic related really interesting,. Such a great movie.
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A long, monotonous, piece of epic trash
Nick_Milligan29 April 2000
Titanic is an over-hyped, over-rated piece of garbage. It goes an hour too long and winds on for what seems like decades. The plot is a poorly written, romantic piece of rubbish and the performances by DeCaprio and Winslet are mediocre. However, Billy Zane and Kathy Bates bring some some hope to the non-existent story line. Putting the plot and acting aside, Titanic is a technical milestone. The sequences where the Titanic sinks are nothing short of mind-blowing and you would think you are on the ship. It is lucky that the sinking of the ship is so brilliant, because after the length of time the viewer has to wait, it is much deserved. All in all, this is a movie that should have sunk in an hour and a half.
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This Film Brought Me To Tears
lilbuch2212 September 2019
I am still crying as I am writing this review as of right now. I don't even know where to begin. I can now see why this film was one of the highest grossing movies of all time. The blending of genres was masterfully done through the style of a Historical Romance/Drama, and a Disaster/Action film. The writing was absolutely superb, for a 3 hour movie I found myself completely engaged not even blinking my eye. The costumes, music, performances, characters, cinematography, dialogue was so magical I can't even put words here to describe the beauty of everything put into this movie. The performances just take your breathe away. Jack and Rose's love story is so full of life and heart and what true love should be even if it's a battle or your not the same class and can't be together ounce you find your soulmate that's what love is about. Their characters felt so human and that really is what puts this movie at a whole new level. The camerawork is some of the best I have ever seen in any film. I don't even want to spoil how thrilling, chilling, beautifully well done the Titanic sinking part of the film is because it is something you just have to see for yourself and experience the devastating heartbreaking tragedy that occurred. James Cameron you are and will always be one of the best filmmakers to ever live and this is your ultimate masterpiece.
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Neither as good nor as bad as you've been told
Bry-221 October 2002
If only James Cameron could write dialogue!

This is a well-produced fictionalization of the Titanic and her maiden voyage, with all the historical details just right (well, except for some really minor stuff ...). The romantic story overlaying it all lends poignancy and drew in the crowds, in record numbers. The performances are, by and large, good-to-excellent, except for Leonardo DiCaprio, who did much better in his earlier movies (up to and including The Quick and the Dead), and Billy Zane, who's never been able to do more than look like a movie star.

Cameron is a great director of action, and a good visual story teller. Too bad he's such a control freak, he ought to allow someone to re-write all his dialogue so that it sounds like humans talking, not T-1000's.

I give this a "five" only because the "seven" it's currently averaged at is too high.
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Actually it got better for me
Smells_Like_Cheese10 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Back in 1997, do I remember that year: Clinton bans cloning research, the unfortunate death of Princess Diana, the Marlins won the world series and a woman gave birth to septuplets. This was also the big year in the release of Titanic, one of the biggest films of all time: a tale about the ship of dreams, about a boy and a girl who fall in love but are torn apart by their social class and at the height of their emotional commitment the ship meets with disaster. I don't think anybody could have expected Titanic to be as HUGE as it was, the movie was bigger than life and had millions of fans, 85% of them being teenage girls, I was 12 years old at the time, and of course saw the movie multiple times. It was the film that made me believe that the love that Jack and Rose shared was so real and beautiful. At the time I felt that Titanic could do no wrong, of course I grew up and didn't watch the film since I was 14, a couple years ago I saw the film on DVD for 5.99 and figured that it was a good price and to see what I thought about the movie now. Was it worth the hype? Was it really the best movie of all time? Was that Leonardo's real nose? OK, I know that's silly to say, but I did re-watch the film. Being completely honest here, Titanic is a great movie, it delivered in romance, humor, disaster, emotions and took us on this incredible maiden voyage.

The film starts with Brock Lovett and his team exploring the wreck of the RMS Titanic, searching for a necklace set with a valuable blue diamond called the Heart of the Ocean. Unsuccessful, they instead discover a drawing of a young woman wearing the Heart of the Ocean, dated the day the Titanic sank. 101-year-old Rose Dawson Calvert learns of the drawing, and contacts Lovett to inform him she is the woman in the drawing. When asked if she knew the whereabouts of the necklace, Rose Calvert recalls her memories aboard the Titanic, revealing for the first time that she was Rose DeWitt Bukater. In 1912, the upper-class 17-year-old Rose boards the ship with her controlling fiancé, Cal Hockley and her desperate for money mother, Ruth DeWitt Bukater. Distraught and frustrated by her engagement, Rose attempts suicide by jumping from the stern. Before she leaps, a drifter and artist named Jack Dawson intervenes who convinces her not to jump. Jack and Rose strike up a tentative friendship as she thanks him for saving her life, and he shares stories of his adventures traveling and sketching; their bond deepens when they leave a first-class formal dinner of the wealthy for a much livelier gathering of dancing, music and beer in third-class. After revealing their love for each other and wish to leave together when the ship docks, they then witness the ship's fatal collision with an iceberg and now must escape together.

So does Titanic live up to it's hype? I still say that this is a great movie to watch, I think that there were and still are quite a few haters that for some reason just want to trash the movie because it had won a ton of awards and Leo Mania was born at the time. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but please don't let the haters bother you from watching this great movie. It has great acting, amazing effects, beautiful costumes, outstanding sets, a well-written story and still looks flawless. Love it or hate it, you have to admit this movie didn't get a lot of hype just because of Leo's baby face or Kate's amazing ability to cry on sight, this film is something special. Otherwise I don't think we'd still be talking about it so many years later. Kate and Leo had this amazing chemistry that in my opinion made it one of the greatest love stories of all time. Despite the story not being the most original with the rich girl loves poor boy plot, I think it worked extremely well because they fit so well together. James Cameron, the extreme perfectionist that he is, went over time and money budgets for Titanic, but this was his baby and it paid off very well. James had captured everything about Titanic and the sinking so well. He respectfully shows what terror the victims went through that night and made sure that this wasn't just a love story but to remember those who lost their lives on the tragic voyage. He had every right in my opinion to scream "I'm king of the world!" at the Oscars, because this movie blew everyone out of the water(no pun intended), you know what? I'm going to admit it, I love Titanic, even past my teen years I absolutely adore this movie, it will always hold a special place in my heart, it has too since I saw this film 8 times in the theater when it was released. Remember one thing, be true to yourself, don't follow the crowd, lovers or haters, if you go with the hype you're always going to go crazy over a film before viewing it, then if you thought the film was just alright for some reason it comes off as the worst movie ever. I do recommend Titanic, it's a great one and sure to go down in the classics one day.

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Extremely over-rated
kylemcd7711 March 2002
It seems most the comments I have read either think the movie sucked or was excellent. I think it was a good movie, the special effects were good and the attention to detail was good but it wasn't a particularly good story.

It was dragged out about an hour too long and definitely didn't deserve the best picture oscar. Overall I gave it a 7/10. Very over-rated.
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Timeless, moving, and epic
v2pointoh17 June 2002
Every once in a while the conversation will turn to "favorite movies." I'll mention Titanic, and at least a couple people will snicker. I pay them no mind because I know that five years ago, these same people were moved to tears by that very movie. And they're too embarrassed now to admit it.

I just rewatched Titanic for the first time in a long time. Expecting to simply enjoy the story again, I was surprised to find that the movie has lost none of its power over these five years. I cried again.... in all the same places. It brought me back to 1997 when I can remember how a movie that no one thought would break even became the most popular movie of all time. A movie that burst into the public consciousness like no other movie I can recall (yes, even more than Star Wars). And today, many people won't even admit they enjoyed it. Folks, let's get something straight -- you don't look cool when you badmouth this film. You look like an out of touch cynic.

No movie is perfect and this one has a few faults. Some of the dialogue falls flat, and some of the plot surrounding the two lovers comes together a little too neatly. However, none of this is so distracting that it ruins the film.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are wonderful. Leo is one of the fine actors of his generation. Wait 'til you see him in Gangs of New York before you call him nothing more than a pretty boy. Kate Winslet was so strong in this film. The movie really was hers, and she held it together beautifully.

James Cameron managed what many believed was impossible by recreating a completely believable Titanic. The sinking scenes were horrific, just as they were that night. How anyone can say the effects were bad is beyond me. I was utterly transfixed.

This film is one memorable scene after another. Titanic leaving port in Southampton. Rose and Jack at the bow, "flying". "Iceberg, right ahead!" The screws hanging unbelievably out of the ocean. The screams of the doomed after she went down. And that ending that brought even the burliest man in the theater to tears.

The music, which has also been a victim of the film's success, was a key ingredient. James Horner's score was simply perfect. And the love theme was beautiful and tragic. Too bad Celine Dion's pop song version had to destroy this great bit of music for so many.

I confess, I am a Titanic buff. As such, I relished the opportunity to see the ship as we never got to see it -- in all its beauty. Perhaps watching it sink affected me more than some because I've had such an interest in the ship all my life. However, I doubt many of those I saw crying were Titanic buffs. I applaud Cameron for bringing this story to the masses in a way that never demeaned the tragedy. The film was made with such humanity.

Another reviewer said it better than I ever could: Open up your hearts to Titanic, and you will not be disappointed.
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