Dawson's Creek (TV Series 1998–2003) Poster


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An Honest Opinion of this show
bonosancho13 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
when this show first aired, i was just graduating high school, making me a member of the target audience. That said, as a teenager/twenty-something, it didn't appeal to me. At the time, the market was starting to get flooded with teenage shows and movies. However, i was aware of it's presence on the pop culture scene. And most of my friends (mostly girls) watched this show. Fast forward 10 years and i'm at home watching TV late at night and i catch the pilot episode. It was probably one of the better pilot episodes i had ever seen. So i started watching the show. Through the years, i caught little bits and pieces of the story lines through TV commercials, friends conversations, message boards etc..so i was aware of how the show ended. I knew that pacey ends up with Joey and that the dad dies in one of the later seasons. Part of the reason i was intrigued after watching the pilot was that i wondered how they got to that point. The way the series began, it seemed to be a childhood sweetheart story. So i was very curious of how the show turned.

First, you have to know before you watch one episode that it's going to be really sappy. This comes with the territory. So if you don't like sappy, you're not going to like this show. I was aware of that. The IMDb rating is a pedestrian 6.8. Pretty average for a show with the hype it got. I wondered why the rating was so low. I know there are a bunch of haters of this show, so before i formed an opinion on it, i watched every single episode.

My opinion is an informed opinion. After watching all the episodes, i must agree that the rating is appropriate. This show is very average.

To start with, i'll tell you why this show is good. The music in every episode was well done. I'm a big fan of good soundtracks. Some of the songs helped bring a real sense of sentimentality. And being that this is a somewhat biography of kevin williamson, i thought that it was very effective. The show's pilot as i mentioned was very good. It introduced all the main characters and had three awesome plots with Joey and Dawson's relationship, Pacey and his teacher and dawson's parents marital issues. In between, there were some really good shows. One of my favorites was "The Long Goodbye". This episode was heartbreaking and realistic. Watching season 1's last episode, i understood why so many people liked this show. The episode "downtown crossing" was an excellent concept for a television show. The last episode was probably one of the best series ending episodes i've ever seen. It was climatic and had a good concept. I thought it would have been ridiculous to end the show when they are in their early 20s making lifetime decisions, but the idea of going into the future worked brilliantly.

Now, i'll tell you why this show could have been better. It starts and ends with the dialogue. I know from reading the various postings on this message board that this is a common to criticize. This was just not realistic. Walk into any high school in America and you won't hear too many kids talk that way. Even the smart kids don't talk like that. My second criticism of this show is that there aren't many likable characters. So many times i wanted to punch dawson. Joey spunk was overplayed. Jen was in need of slapping. Andie was so annoying. When they finally got it right and got rid of her, they replaced her with a more annoying and less redeemable blonde in Audrey Liddel. Pacey was the only one who i really sympathized with and celebrated with. Pacey's character was realistic. Teenage boys are sex crazed. thats what made dawson so unbelievable. He was constantly getting propositioned and never did he concede. I find that very unbelievable. Another problem i have with some of the characters was how they all seemed to bust on to the show real abrasively and then do a 180 to become lovable. (Was this intentional? showing that people are not always what they seem to be) For example, watch Jack's early episodes then watch him in seasons 3-5. He's a totally different character. Arthur Brooks character was that way to a much lesser extent. The worst case was Grams character. She started the show as a conservative Christian who was very judgmental and was even hinted to be a racist (maybe it was just joey herself being judgmental). By the end of series, she was living with a gay man and cool with the promiscuous lifestyles of her granddaughter and her friends. That was just ridiculous. I thought it was just a way to shoehorn her into the later episodes. Speaking of which....those later episodes were pure garbage. Season 5 started good and went downhill. Season 6 is just unwatchable. Overall, this is a decent show that could have been a lot better. Those are my opinions. i'd like to hear your opinions on the show and on my opinion.
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I fell in love.
spuffieschilde15 April 2009
I never watched the show while it was on TV, and the only reason why I bought the first season was because it was on sale for $13.00. And then I found myself buying the second season... third season... and now, fourth season. I am currently waiting for seasons 5 & 6 to go on sale (lol, sadly I can't afford them at the price they're at now) Anyways, back to the show. A lot of reviews on here say the show is unrealistic. That teenage kids don't talk like that or act like that. I say, so what? If you want complete accuracy, watch a documentary, or better yet, go back to highschool and sit there and watch the kids there. Dawson's Creek was meant to entertain, to bring everyday stuff teens do go through and adding a hefty dose of angst to it. Yes, the language in the show is quite sophisticated. That's the reason why I love it so much. It's smart. It's for lack of a better and cheesy word "deep." I don't know about the last two seasons, but I sure as hell enjoyed the first four. I recommend it for those who hate the stuff that's on TV nowadays.
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It was okay until it wasn't..
dzturbedne11 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The show should have ended when they graduated from high school.
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the show that made me watch TV again.
baumer21 June 1999
The thing about Dawson's Creek and it's borderline pretentious vocabulary is that the characters acknowledge that they are a bit too smart for the average teen. They know how silly they must sound at times. Remember the episode where Dawson had his birthday and Andee and him got drunk and he just leveled into everybody? Do you remember what he said to Joey? " Joey, the only fifteen year old I know that needs to find herself. "

To say these teens are precocious is to say that Star Wars has a large following. It's just not needed. We all know that, but what makes the show so good is the characters, the writing, the setting, the direction, the production values, oh hell, everything makes this show good. It really is one of a kind.

What I like best about it is that Dawson is a dreamer. He does not want to grow up to be " Joe " down the street. He wants to be Spielberg. And sometimes he takes flak for who he is. But how many of us have dreamed? How many of us have taken flak for it? So how many of us can relate to this in one way or another?

I do agree however with the general census that Joshua Jackson is the best part of the show. Pacey is down to earth and he is not as wordy as the other characters. But his relationship with Andee is so complex and so refreshing that you yearn for his screen time, you get anxious to see what he is going to do next, and I do think he has the greatest range on the show. In the final episode of the second year, when he finally made some sort of amends with his dad..... powerful stuff.

I do like Joey and I think Katie Holmes is a wonderful actor, as is Van Der Beek and Williams. All in all this show is a refreshing taste of what it was like to be a teen and I applaud them for having the guts to tackle such delicate subjects as homosexuality and the difficulty in believing in God. That takes guts and they handle it with integrity and class.

There isn't a better show on TV and I look forward to every Friday ( here in Ontario ) to see what is going to happen next. Just one complaint: When the hell are Dawson and Joey going to do it?

An excellent show!
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Season 1 is where the quality lies.
m-4782630 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Seasons 2 and 3, is where the good fun and drama does. Then it's all downhill from here. It's still to this day, a very realistic look at teenage years self discovery, and shameful phases, from its main protagonist especially. But I think things went a little overboard with the infamous love triangle, and the Joey/Pacey love story. Which was a real torture to witness, once they made the step forward. I guess the chase, is what made the idea of them so appealing... The show also has that weird drunk uncle vibe. You know, the one who starts being too intense, when you're finally spending a nice family time. Well, Dawson's Creek was, and still is, that « drunk uncle » for me. Whenever something light and/or fun happened, you'd be sure something, or someone would spoil it. The hurricane episode, in season 1 comes to mind. That fun feud between Pacey and his brother, was turned into a nasty and rude score settling so fast, it makes you wonder when things got so out of hands, like it usually does when good times turn sour. At least the show was good at depicting drama, in the most precise and erratic way. Which isn't so easy to do... Speaking of characters, they all have flaws and emotional baggage. But that's how you handle characterizations accurately, right? You'll laugh, you'll cry, a lot. People can say what they want about the acting, because it was great and always on point. Especially on the episodes « supervised » by Kevin Williamson (I'm not going to quote the god awful two parter finale, though. He clearly doesn't know how to put an end to his stories ...) You can also add a sprinkle of good music, on both the broadcasted and DVD/reruns versions. And you get everything that made Dawson's Creek so special. It has that late 90s/early 2000s charm, without being too hip and lots of talked about moments. It's one of those teen dramas, that knew when to stop when things got too soap opera-ish, but couldn't rely on talks only, so it alternated both. You either like/accept it, or you don't.
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Good series, recommended watching.
Seersha114 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen the first season for about 10 years. It was refreshing to see it again and fall in love again. The show isn't a masterpiece and there are bright spots and dull ones – like any show there are great episodse and sucky ones too. But this show is enjoyable entertainment, and for me it's like a guilty pleasure except I know too many people who love it to feel guilty.

The D/J romance is actually handled well in Season 1. I would have liked more Pacey, but it is also good to see the adults play a larger role earlier on. I find the Mitch/Gale relationship to be very real. Season 2 is an excellent season overall. I enjoyed watching Pacey's growth and change. He really shone (and Joshua Jackson is amazing). It was great to see the new characters, Jack and Andie. The only downside I would say is that the Dawson/Joey romance gets repedative. It was okay in the early episodes of the seasons, but boring when they had another go at it near the end.

Season 3 is my favourite season of Dawson's Creek, and the best. Why? Quite simply, because of Pacey and Joey. It is absolutely wonderful, enjoyable and satisfying to see their journey from reluctant friends, to closer friends to lovers. Much credit needs to go to Joshua Jackson for his portrayal of Pacey, as we go with him on his roller-coaster ride of emotions. He made the audience not only sympathize with Pacey's turmoil and pain of falling in love with his best friend's girl, but in being able to see Joey through his eyes… what it was about her that made him fall so madly in love. Katie Holmes steps up too, and has great chemistry with JJ. Unfortunately James Van Der Beek doesn't fare as well… Dawson often comes across as a petulant child.

Season 4 follows the kid's last year in high school. Gale and Mitch are now reunited, and Joey and Pacey continue their romance. There are bumps along the way, but P/J always light up the screen and Joshua Jackson once again brings his talent for all to see. Katie Holmes shines when she's with him, they have great chemistry.

Season 5 and 6 take a noticeable dive in quality with some not-so-believable plot lines, such as Pacey becoming a stockbroker. I think the writers really struggled with the move from high school to college and it shows, unfortunately.

The best episodes of the last two seasons are the final 2 from season 6 and the last episodes of the series. We jump 5 years ahead to see the DC kids more mature, and get a resolution to the D/J vs. P/J love triangle that has been so prominent since season 3. Once again though, the best parts are definitely the Pacey and Joey scenes. Michelle Williams acts her ass off and brings the heartbreak, but in the end it's a satisfying conclusion to one of my beloved shows.
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Phenomenal show.
erick-alix19 September 2012
Dawson's Creek is an outstanding show and it has so many amazing aspects. The script is beautifully written and keeps the audience entertained with well developed dialogue. The cinematography is beautiful and consistent from episode to episode. The actors had a natural chemistry that made the show so much more enjoyable to watch. The show is extremely addicting and is relatable to the average everyday teen. Kevin Williams uses the cliff hanger strategy often and effectively to keep the audience thinking and guessing what'll happen next. Just a great show in general that has taught me some valuable lessons about friendship and love and family values. Many of the events that happen in the show I have personally experienced and i'm sure I am not the only one who can relate and that is what made the show so impactful with me.
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An overall good view with a casting blunder
Barchart18422 May 2020
Why on earth did they cast James Van Der Beek as Dawson in this series? It was a total irritant to see his expressionless face and stilted dialogue all the way through six series. So much so that in series 5 and 6 when he wasn't prominent in the episode the quality was vastly improved. After five and half series of acting practice he just about managed to gain the power to make facial expressions, loose the wooden acting and deliver a line audibly. Despite all of the above, the rest of the cast to a greater and lesser extent managed to rescue the situation and elevate the series and portray an interesting and sometimes clever storyline, even if quite a few credits should have had as themselves tagged on the credit. That being recognised, then the casting team did a good job, with that one blunder as the exception. All in all a thoroughly good watch with story lines that keep you watching and one of the best examples in this genre.
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Reminder of my youth
kdd-7078412 August 2018
I watched this in high school until I graduated in 2001. I can't remember the ending so I believe that I stopped watching once I graduated. I rewatched it on Hulu and it's amazing how simple life was back then. No cell phones! We actually hung out with friends and talked to people IN PERSON. I love how PG this show is. So innocent. Sure there are hints of sex scenes but they cut from simply kissing to the aftermath of simply laying next to the person. The shows today are a little more risqué.

I enjoyed this show as a teen and I enjoyed rewatching it and remembering the "good ole days" of my youth.
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90's - 00's nostalgia
melissa_levasseur27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've been binge watching this all week, 15 years after I've last watched this show and it is exactly as I remember it. Intellectually over the top dialogue for a bunch of teens, but I think it's what makes it still interesting to watch now in my thirties. Many of the subjects are well approached and ahead of their time. However, I do think they overly tortured some relationships and the whole Joey Dawson thing was absolutely annoying. Thankfully they had Joey and Pacey end up together even if they split them up in such a horrendous manner. But, the show became a whole lot less interesting when they went off to college and from beginning to end, Dawson was always intolerable.

I remember all the shows lined up on the WB when I was a teen all being quite mature and blurring my reality of what I should expect from high school, considering all the actors were at least in there 20's, thus creating unrealistic expectations.
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Joey's Creek
Jackbv12314 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The real finale of this series is S6E22. I'd like to think that someone high up in the hierarchy creatively really intended that to be the end. It feels like it is. But fans demanded that Joey end up with Pacey even though that really doesn't fit. Personally, I always rooted for Dawson, but the truth is neither one of them deserves her. In S6E22, Joey comments about life imitating art imitating life and then asks Dawson what his movie was really about. His answer is that it is about a girl and expands on that thought. He says nothing about the two boys. Of course everyone knows that the girl is Joey and that his movie is really a prop for the series itself.

Both boys are deeply flawed and not in a heroic way. Both wear masks with what appears to be good character underneath the boyhood lusts. They can each pull up noble actions almost on demand. Dawson's selfish character takes longer to manifest and I even think that the writer gods changed him sometime after the first season. He earned my respect the night he held Jen in his arms all night after her grandfather died. Dawson had other noble moments in season 1. At that point, I feel like that was the real Dawson, as he was at that time. Later the noble moments were just the mask. The real Dawson appeared every time Joey crossed him, or anyone for that matter. When Jen dumped him, his anger quickly faded, but after that his burning anger would remain for long periods until something came along to turn his interest elsewhere.

Pacey, on the other hand, went to the dark side quickly. His behavior might be excused as youthful lust, but the same basic behavior continued through many woman and girls continuously right into S6E23 when he got beat up by jealous husbands. While I don't hold him solely responsible for losing Dawson's money, that period in his life was controlled by arrogance and lust both for sex and money. Even at the best times in his relationships with any of his women, his was motivated by greed with jealousy always lurking. The one time in his story where I had hope for him was with Andie.

Joey had her issues, but she always gave of herself more than she took. Insecurities rooted in her family history made her seem weak at times. Still she chose the high road more often than not. She really seemed to grow as a person. I especially loved how she took on Harley and mentored her with the love of a big sister. Her performance in S6E22 was positively heroic and should have been her curtain call.

Like most TV shows, this series took on issues of the day usually against the traditional viewpoint of the times. That's not bad in itself, but some of the story arcs were morally questionable. Pacey and Tamara hit us early on. It was presented in such a way that I just can't condone.

Grams was introduced as a bigoted judgmental Bible thumper. Early on it seemed like she was unyielding, but even then she always said things in a way that left room to know that she might truly be thinking in the best interest of the person she came down on, usually Jen. That became more and more obvious as time went on, but in later seasons most of her religious values of righteousness disappeared almost entirely. In other words, she joined the opposition.

Parents were anything from incompetent and hypocritical to everything that is bad in parenting. Dawson's parents, Bessie, and Grams, were the only ones that had any good traits, although a couple softened a little in later seasons. Audrey's and Drue's never did. Jen's dad knew Jen had seen something that deeply disturbed her and just tried to act as if nothing had happened. If nothing worse, almost all the parents virtually ignored their kids.

Drinking and drugs. I think every teen character went on a bender at some point. Consequences ranged from social alienation to total destruction of property. Academic standing was threatened more than once. One person ended up in rehab. One might say that such actions always ended in negative consequences, so that's OK. However, many of the benders were extreme even by typical adolescent standards. I find it amazing that none of them ever learned from each other, and a couple even did it again.

Perhaps my biggest complaint, and it leaves me wondering why I haven't seen more of this criticism, is the way the series treats women. Males in the series almost universally have the attitude that women are sex objects. Some never seem to learn any better. Almost every woman other than Bessie and Grams has at least one instance of being treated like crap by a man and that even includes Gale. With Jen, I feel like the writer gods have chosen her for special abuse. She goes from one disaster to another. To top it off, during the missing 5 years, she gets pregnant and dumped yet again setting her up for her series finale death leaving an orphan! She does have a brief run with Dawson which is nice but emphasis on brief. Jen is another character that appears to have suffered a character rewrite somewhere early in season 2. I admired the young woman during season 1 who seemed to be making good choices and treating others well.

So why did I stick with this series enough to binge the entire thing in about a week on the 20th anniversary of its farewell?

There were a few really nice moments. The birth of Bessie's baby was one. Dawson actually coming together with Jen was another. Andie's temporary rehabilitation of Pace. Gretchen and Dawson. But those things were pretty spread out.

The answer is Katie Holmes/Joey Potter. That innocent smile showing all her teeth is a killer. The character is so sweet and unselfish to a fault. She really deserves better than either guy.
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So much drama, so many laughs...
taylorkingston19 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show. So good. So funny. It came out when I was only one, so I didn't start watching it until I was about ten. The only thing I didn't like was how long it took for Pacey and Joey to get together. They are my favorite on screen couple of this show. And also how Dawson did not look sixteen. The show is basically about teenagers growing up in small town and going through normal teenage stuff. The reason the show is called Dawson's Creek is because Dawson (the main character) lives at house that has a creek right behind it, in his backyard. Nearly any person would like this show. Especially if they like shows like One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, The O.C., 90210, Beverly Hills 90210 or Gossip Girl.
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ThunderKing613 November 2020
Classic, iconic teen drama show.

A drama show with quality, passion and heart.

Characters are down to earth and real. Stories are engaging and not obnoxious.

Dawson Creek was a good gold show during the last stretch of great family television. By 2006 television went to mold. Everything now is trashy and not made for the whole family to watch. Dawson Creek does have its negatives but still you and your family can watch it without problems compared to today's shows.

Verdict: Cartmans dawson's creek trapper keeper
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What was up with season 6?
i-love-got12 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly.. I remember watching Dawson's Creek when it first came out on tv and I was in high school.. was obsessed with it! Not sure at what point I stopped watching.

20yrs later I find it on Stan.. absolutely loved the first couple of seasons then it just went downhill from there. The show should have wrapped up with 3 seasons (4 at most if it contained x10 Episoses per season).

S06 (with the exception of last 3 episodes) was beyond rubbish... skipped/forwarded thru majority of it JUST to get to the end. Katie Holmes acting and facial expressions INCLUDING her smile is shocking..

Though the finale was great compared to how sh1tty the entire season 6 was I still somewhat felt it to be incomplete. I really was expecting "In loving memory of Jen Lindley" at the end of Dawson's movie. I was expecting some TINY tribute/shot of Mitch. Anyway... just glad I finally ended the show tonight.
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What TV should be.
Covey-324 May 2000
Dawson's Creek is by no means a realistic portrayal of teenage angst. I'll admit this. The power of the series and what, in my view, makes it far and away the best thing to happen to TV in a long, long time, is that is it a realistic portrayal of teenage emotions...

The characters in Dawson's Creek may only be 16, yet as Eve said to Dawson (early Season 3) they are all 'old souls'. The emotions in the series are real, the emotions felt by the characters are real, yet, the fact that Kevin Williamson has allowed the characters a vocal outlet for these emotions is the genius of the show. My So Called Life was a brave attempt to do this, but fell short through its pretensions of grandeur. Dawson's Creek embraces the fact that the vocabulary spoken is fake and because of this, is entirely forgiven. This is why we watch television, to feel and see emotions that we cannot or do not feel in our own lives.

As Dawson once said, "Movies (And TV) by definition are escapism, if you want reality look out of the window." Dawson's Creek knows what it is. A fictional television show about high school kids and the emotions they deal with. By admitting its falseness, yet retaining its warmth, humanity and heart, we are able to witness characters that we know aren't real, that we know in real life wouldn't have the vocabulary that these kids possess, but who we believe in and we root for.

Not only emotionally is Dawson's Creek superb, but technically, the series is faultless. Musically, artists like Sarah Mclachlan and Jewel fit snugly into the feel of the series, while artists like New Radicals and Semisonic serve to enhance emotions. The choice of song in Dawson's Creek is rarely wrong and often perfect. The music does not lead the scene into the direction of the song, but serves to reinforce and enhance the emotion that the scene portrays and requires.

Visually, the gorgeous backdrop of Wilmington, North Carolina is fitting as the small American village that is Capeside. The scenic beauty of the Creek, the coast, the woodland, the foliage. Everything visually about the show is in keeping with the emotional context of the show.

Camera work is also faultless. When presented with a difficult emotional scene, we usually pull away from the action at the end of the scene, not judging the characters for their mistakes and allowing them the right to deal with it on their own, without our interference. Only rarely do we judge the characters and when we do, the characters themselves have already beat us to it. (Dawson and Andie getting drunk)

I'd like to thank Kevin Williamson for allowing me the chance to fall in love with the town, the people and the life. These emotions are real. The vocabulary, is just a way of allowing the emotions to have a voice.
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fun but..
tashamiel17 January 2021
Always fun watching this series. the only thing that always annoys me is Joey Potter's voice and lip gestures. it's exhausting. other than that, I like.
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katgreene13415 September 2020
The story with the storyline between Pace and Joey was the best in the show and I hate all Dawson related
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"Hang on Dawson it's gonna be a bumpy life"...
snugamug11 August 2004
"Hang on Dawson it's gonna be a bumpy life"... This quote basically describes the entire series. Through the good times and the bad times the four Capeside buddies, Joey, Dawson, Pacey and Jen stick together with some other characters thrown in for good measure... Although I am a die hard fan of the series I do at times find it tiring, with all the off and on again of the groups varied, hormonally charged relationships. Occasionally I find my self wondering why I spend so much of my time watching and re-watching seasons past on DVD but no matter how hard I try I cannot stop. So overall this series is well... interesting, fluff with a couple of dramatic moments to send the group crashing hard back to the reality of life.... but hey it's always more fun to see someone else's' life crashing than your own so set aside some time and watch away but don*t watch to long or you will get sucked into the whole teen angst ridden story.... :)
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The story moves ridiculously slow for a youth show
interestingstuff6 February 2022
Looking at the pace of the show, one would think it tells the story of senior folks living at a retirement home rather than high school & college students who are supposed to be young and full of energy.

It moves really really really slow. Like you watch 10 episodes back to back and nothing happens. Also the story should have been named Pacey's Creek because Dawson quickly moves from main character to side character starting Season 2.

The first 4 seasons where characters are in high school weren't bad but the last 2 seasons looked very forced and it looked like they were beating a dead horse. They should have ended the show at the end of season 4 instead of giving us 2 seasons no one really enjoyed, not to mention tons of unforgettable side characters.
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Childhood nostalgia
RebelRaccoon112 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best shows ever! Everything is carefully crafted and designed so that we get a full appreciation and experience. It's about friendship and belonging, about finding your identity, independence and how you navigate life.

There are lots of twists and turns throughout the show which will make it more exciting to enjoy. Pacey and Joey were my favourite but it is really all of the cast which made it the masterpiece it became. Dawson's Creek is a part of my childhood, it dealt boldly with topics like homosexuality, bullying, mental health and much more. It never really lost its quality even in the later seasons. I loved when Joey started uni and met new people, also many literary references made the show interesting and different from any other. Highly recommend.
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I live for Jacey
theresalwayslight7 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Joey and Pacey are the only reason to watch this show. Jen is obnoxious-though she does get better when Jack comes in-I liked andie until they ruined her character, the other characters are so boring and unmemorable. Don't even get me started on Dawson. He drives me CRAZY!!! He's so immature even for a teen soap opera and he never learns from the dumb mistakes that he makes over and over again the entire show. Then he acts all woe is me when people try to open is eyes to the truth. He thinks he's better then everyone and is so entitled. He treated all of his so called "friends" horribly not to mention how he treats Joey. Literally the only reason to watch the show is for Pacey and Joey. Even then I can barely stand it so I usually end up skipping around to only watch their scenes. And yes I totally would give this show 2 stars TOPS if it weren't for these two. I will say I didn't live Pacey at first but it hit me randomly on time and I was like dang this man grew on me and I didn't even realize. I love him and he is hilarious and so sweet both on his own, as a boyfriend, and as a friend. I honestly always loved Joey and I know there will be people who disagree with that but she's super strong and stubborn and not without her flaws but for some reason she's so relatable. Pace and Joey together are the cutest swooniest couple ever. They're like a mix of enemies ti lovers and friends to lovers which is so great. The things that they say to one another, the slow burn, the passion, the loooks they gave eachother from s1 until the very end are all too much for my heart and don't even mention the time he did ballroom dancing lessons with her to make her happy BEFORE they were dating when they were "enemies" so yeah give the show a chance but if you find that you agree with me I'd recommend only watching the scenes with Jacey.
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Change in script/directors in season 6?
dreapopa14 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This started as a teenage love story which I'm sure we were all waiting to happen and ended so badly.

I loved it until season 6, everything was so fast paced and the episodes weren't even making sense anymore. I remember when the first couple of seasons ended and the first episode of the new seasons was continuing the story, wasn't the gist for the last season though. It didn't make any sense!

* SPOILER ALERT * It's not like I wanted Joey to end up with Dawson, but with Pacey? No way. And how did it even happen? One minute Dawson and Joey were saying I love yous, next thing you know she's kissing Pacey, I don't think so.

It's such a shame because truth be told when I first started watching it I was gonna give it a 10/10, that was until the disaster season 6 was. The episode with the grocery store? No sense whatsoever, why were they even at a wedding, whose wedding to begin with? And what happened to Emma? Audrey? Really? One minute they're all in Boston/Capeside, next they're in Paris or god knows where, separated. Also no Andie, it cant be a real ending without all of the people we've grown attached to. Don't even get my started on Jen's death, so awkward, her mother didn't even come? WTF. If someone who hasn't started watching this reads this, trust me, you're better off.
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Dawson's Creek - what every teenager goes through
Ibuk6 November 2007
Dawson's Creek is my favourite American teenage drama. The story is written in a way that every teenager can relate to it. There has been lots of teenage dramas since, for instance The O.C. but they have lacked the brilliance of Dawson's Creek. What is so brilliant is how they dealt with real issues like divorce, mental illness etc.

The character I could most relate to was Joey Potter. The reason was her crush on Dawson Leary and him not realising how she felt. I am sure that every teenager knows how that feels. In fact when Dawson's Creek came out I had a thing for her.

To me it was always the Dawson Leary and Joey Potter show. Their on off relationship had me hooked. Their love story was so well written and so heartfelt.

I didn't actually watch it from the start. I caught it during the last season but I was lucky enough to catch the reruns. Dawson 's creek has been replicated but can never be matched.
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Podkowa22 April 2022
Dawson, I f@cking hate you! This character is so irritating :( however, the rest of the show is fine - 8/10. A typical teen show about teenagers. Nothing more, nothing less. Personally, I really appreciate the opportunity to see Katie Holmes beginnings. However, it would be nice if Dawson's character had been written a little better.
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Disappointing ending to a long journey
cobralyssa6 March 2021
The most disappointing ending to a show I've ever seen. Literally cried in my sleep over it.
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