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My Happy Marriage (2023– )
An overall good anime, but with some flaws
18 September 2023
It is an overall good anime, clearly based on the Cinderela story. I was hooked from the start specially now that I myself will have a wedding ceremony soon. The animation is well made and the supernatural story also brings some action into the anime.

However, some things bothered me. First the character Miyo keeps apologizing the whole anime, it starts to get annoying. Second, the sexism involved. I get that the show is set in Japan during the beginning of the XX century, but at least let's see more protagonism from Miyo and not be bounced around between families. It seems she's a property not a character. I think this will come to fruition in the following season as she is now developing her own powers.

It is an enjoyable show overall, but needs to improve to keep the standards.
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Taxi Driver (2021– )
Great series
16 May 2023
"Taxi Driver" is a gripping and thrilling Korean television series that takes the viewers on an emotional rollercoaster ride. The show has an excellent plot that focuses on restorative justice and revenge.

The series follows a group of vigilantes who seek justice for the victims of heinous crimes that go unpunished. The show tackles themes like corruption, power dynamics, and the flaws of the justice system. The vigilantes operate under the guise of a taxi service, providing rides to the victims of injustice and carrying out their revenge. The concept is unique and engaging, and the show does an excellent job of building suspense and anticipation.

The plot is not only exciting but also thought-provoking. It raises important questions about justice and morality and whether vigilantism is an acceptable solution. The show highlights the flaws in the justice system and how the police are not always capable of providing justice to the victims. This is where the private investigators come in and provide an alternative solution to the problems. The dynamic between the police and the vigilantes adds a layer of complexity to the plot and keeps the audience engaged throughout the series.

Although set in the present, the show has a retro vibe that adds to the overall charm and the sound track is also worth mentioning. The music is a perfect match for the show's themes and complements the action and suspense and it matchs the 1980s vibe.

The only drawback of "Taxi Driver" is that some of the characters are sometimes exaggerated, which can be a bit off-putting at times. Kim Do-gi is a beast in fighting, Go-eun overreacts in crying and her trauma. However, this does not detract from the overall quality of the show, and it is still definitively worth watching.
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Don't listen to the critics
2 May 2023
Is it a perfect movie? No, there are flaws, but it is a very enjoyable family-friendly movie. I believe the "professional critics" are being too harsh on the movie, I don't know exactly what the critics were expecting, but the movie has no complication, no political message, nothing, the plot is a simple as a Super Mario game, yet it delivers.

The animation is top-notch and you get the video-game vibe while watching the movie, as if you were watching your friend playing his Nintendo in the 90s. The voice is better than in the trailers, and they don't overuse Mario's clichés sounds. It is probably not going to win any big awards, although it might cross the 1 billion mark. Take it for what people are talking about the movie and go have a good time.
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Visually a great movie but a bit confusing
27 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The overall story is a prequel to the first movie and humanity preparation for what they are going to do to solve the solar crisis. But there are so many concurrent narratives and acts and characters that made me a bit confusing about what's going on and how everything just connects together. Just to list a few, the movie has:

  • UN plot: in which the ambassadors in the UN are planing and fighting with each other on what to do to save the world.

  • AI plot: the dead daughter of the scientist backed up as an AI in the main quantum computer that can make the wandering earth project start.

  • The "main character" plot: following the guy who saved the space elevator and his family and his role in starting the wandering earth project.

  • the small plots: you have some other characters with small roles in the movie who takes part in some specific scenes, they are there just to fill the gap and that's it.

Also like the first movie there are some pardonable science fiction flaws such as flying on top of the space elevator, that wouldn't happen as the space elevator is tighted to the equator, you'd just feel slightly less gravity. But exploding the moon with nuclear bombs is not pardonable, even if you mine every single bit of uranium on earth and make a big nuclear bomb you wouldn't be able to explode the moon. Yet they made the explosion on the moon in the way it would be like a sphere not a mushroom.

My feeling is that they try to mix up a lot of concepts together in the same movie that would be better explained in a series or in other sequences. In the end, you get a salad.

Despite my criticism above, the movie is quite enjoyable! It is a good salad, like caesar salad. The movie has beautiful visuals and top notch CGI. The soundtrack and sound effects are better than the first movie. The story approaches very interesting topics such as Human Conscience preservation and global unified decision making.

What I like the most is the fact that they made the movie thinking on the international audience as the movie contain characters from multiple countries and everyone kinda just speak their languages. In this case we get characters from countries that are usually not in Hollywood movies such as a guy from Ghana and Brazilian female astronaut.
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Entertaining but not as good as it could be
3 March 2022
I'm a big fan of Agatha Christie, but I maybe had high hopes for the movie. The movie was not bad and I liked to see in moving pictures what I imaged from the book, but I thought the investigation could be instigating as it was in the book. It is part of problem of converting books into the movie, sometimes it is difficult to take everything. If you do go to the movies, go expecting an entertainment time, don't have high hopes.
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Eternals (2021)
Poorly written story
29 January 2022
Week story, full of plot holes and several clichés. Some things don't catch up with the story later. In one moment, it's said they shouldn't influence humanity, another moment, they are doing exactly that. The monsters don't have a reason to exist in the movie and they are just a scapegoat. The Eternals themselves are boring and a wood-face acting.

There were only two interesting things in the movie. The first, is the Pink Floyd songs in the movie; and the second is the voyage through historical moments in history that don't get much spotlight, such as the fall of Tenochtitlan.

But, besides this, the movie is just garbage.
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Titan A.E. (2000)
Great movie when I was kid, the graphics aged badly
10 January 2022
The opening scene had a great impact on me on the computer graphics, but watching it again 20 years it aged badly and the graphics seems like PS1 and they are badly rendered to the background of the cartoon.

Nevertheless, the story keeps great and a great adventure movie. The science is very unrealistic but it doesn't bother me so much.

Watching it again as an adult, I can see parallels with the Jewish story. Being expelled by their homeland from foreign invasions, and they get spread through foreign lands and a saviour(messiah) builds a new home, a new Earth, new Israel.
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Long, boring and propaganda garbage
3 January 2022
The movie is basically a propaganda with made up and a lot of historical inaccuracies.

The real battle was a meat grinder for chinese soldiers, due to bad planning, strategy and intelligence and it is weird the CCP want to portrait this as heroic. That's ridiculous and historical rewriting of the korean war. No surprise the korean themselves hated the movie.

Also it goes without mention that the movie is too long, becomes boring as it progresses. And don't believe chinese numbers, they were rounding up people to inflate cinema numbers.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A necessary movie in times when people doubt the most basic facts
30 December 2021
Replace comet by pandemic and you have the a basic analogy of what happened in 2020, in the US, UK, Brazil and many other places where leaders and groups didn't believe scientists and acted like ostrich putting their head in the sand. The movie does repeat its same message over and over all throughout the movie and that becomes a bit annoying but it won't destroy your experience.
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Boring and Unactractive
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is boring comparing to the other movies in the franchise, like the dawn of the dead. Unlike that movie, the visuals look pale and depressing and the movie is very slowpaced and boring. I literally slept in part of the movie and woke up in the ending scene. The nuke ending scene is cool though, but that's about it

It makes absolutely no sense that they could contain the zombies in Last Vegas. It also doesn't make sense that the zombies are sentient. It is not a very good movie.
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Lizard vs Monke
13 December 2021
Seriously, if you like action movies just because of visuals and fighting scenes go for it. It is just between the big iguana and the big monkey.

But Don't expect any story or anything because it makes absolutely no sense. And what angers me about this movie is that they pull conspiracy theories from the mainstream world and put it in the movie, giving these people some relevance. This is not good at all and the franchise lost the little credibility I had with them.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Not so good
13 December 2021
It was a missed opportunity. They made great trailers, and hyped it quite a lot. But the movie story doesn't deliver well, although it has good fighting sequences and choreography. If you want to watch it, do it, because keep your expectations low.
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Light the Night (2021– )
Brilliant Story and Actors
13 December 2021
The actors are very professional and the story is certainly attractive. I usually prefer scifi genres but this story certainly got my attention.

What I really point out is that the cast is very unique for an Asian Drama. Popular Chinese and Korean dramas usually prefer young(18-25) girls, pale-skinned, thin, actresses full of plastic surgery. Light the Night chose middle aged ladies, some with plastic surgery, but not all of them. And not all in the usually body type, the character Aiko is even a bit chubby and has a typical southern China skin-tone. There is an old lady playing in that night-club. They are certainly very mature in the acting and have a lot of experience and in fact it wouldn't play well with younger actress.

One tiny problem I'd point out is the confusing chronology. I don't know if it's netflix messing up or what, but show doesn't really explain in which point in time they are before the incident, which makes me confused about when the story is at the moment. But, it is not a big deal and won't make your experience bad because of it.

I strongly recommend it and I also suggest to ignore very low ratings of this show, as it is usually a bunch of Mainlanders complaining because the show is taiwanese. I'm looking forward for season 2.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
It is just bad
6 December 2021
Many radicalized people are giving one star just because of their ideology. But the reality is that it is really bad planned and bad taste. They used a cartoonish style and an adult political language which didn't appeased the adult audiences and certainly not appropriate for children. Also, the political message is shoved down the throat, nobody wanted it. It is just trash.
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Dune (2021)
Must get the oscar for the soundtrack
10 November 2021
If this movie doesn't get the oscar for soundtrack I don't know what will. Hans Zimmer nailed it in this movie. The mixing of Arabic elements and the imperial orchestras is amazing and aesthetically great to hear and makes you stick to the chair to listen it! Some may think the movie is boring, maybe it is a bit because it was split in two parts, but see it as world building, with a continuation to come.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
Great movie
10 November 2021
If there was a movie I really loved when I was a child it was this movie and I watched it several times. Nowadays I see the many defects, yet it continues to be a magic movie.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Great Series
10 November 2021
I particularly like the way the characters are built and their stories are shown to the viewer and how their life is desperate to the point they put it in risk to make it better.
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It is a great anime
30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great anime in the shonen genre we all love to watch. Although the great tournament arc is the best, the anime captivated my attention since the first episode, with Yusuke's death and how he perceive his family pain through his absense and he saw he could become a better person, that's the great lesson to be taken from the anime.
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You (2018–2024)
Quite boring
30 June 2021
The story is interesting and novel at first glance, but the execution makes me loose interest after a few episodes, becoming boring.
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Invisible City (2021–2023)
Great representation Brazilian folklore
14 February 2021
Brazilian mythology is not as famous as greek-roman, Egyptian or nordic mythologies and it is fairly recent in time. Nevertheless, this show proves that great stories can be written with it. As a Brazilian, we all learn those myths as kids, but they aren't deeply represented in the midia, with the exception of Monteiro Lobato's work: Sitio do Pica-pau Amarelo (The Yellow Woodpecker Farm). Invisible City portraits the folklore in a way I haven't seen before and it looks a great thrilling story!

The CG looks good and the fact that the creatures touch the mind of the people is also a novelty to stories. Some things could be improved, though, as the acting could be bad and the text seem too formal, as people don't speak in that way, specially in Rio. Those scripting errors could be improved in a second season.
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995–1996)
Must see classic of the 90s
15 September 2020
This is a classic of the 90s, and even though some parts don't make sense, the references to psychology and to christian-judaic myths are what makes this anime one of the best ever.
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Dr. Stone (2019– )
10 billion percent love it
15 September 2020
I was reluctant to see Dr. Stone, because the ads didn't seem to be that interesting.

I gave it a chance a few weeks ago and I immediately fell in love with this anime. It is a rare combination of fun, culture, education with beautiful animation style. Showed it to a few friends who told me they learned things in this anime they didn't in school. I find it amazing that an anime can perform a good mix of science with emotion showing what we take for granted in our society, but involved centuries of work and perfecting.
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Mulan (2020)
No mushu, no musical, no fun
10 September 2020
The movie isn't as funny as the original was. I loved the original songs and the musical to sing together along the movie and the funny scenes. Disney took all of that out and replaced it with characters that lack depth, light action bloodless battle scenes and a forced female empowerment. This summed with the polemic points with the actress and minority repression made me disgust.

Sorry Disney, I loved your other movies and I had a high expectation for this one and was disappointed.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Finally a good adaptation from games
24 December 2019
I've seen very bad adaptation movies/series from videogames. I know it was a book before, but I knew it from the games. But this one , this one is really well done! The acting skills of the characters, specially Cavill, is spectacular! Direction, production quality are all amazing. The show is awesome!
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A Trash in 1980s, a cultish meme in 2010s
23 December 2019
The movie is a good example of the trash porn in the 1980s, which is specially common in Brazil and in South America. Low cost, bad sex scenes acting, a lots of cutting and the movie is a bit shy. Being a gay porn in the 1980s, I guess it wasn't so receptive, the gay sex is mostly hidden, their faces aren't shown so closely, nor the act.

The special thing about this movie it is how well it aged. Nowadays it is a bag of memes for the internet. The references are legendary and almost ubiquitous among Brazilians. Everyone can remember the quotes and have a good laugh of how ridiculous they are, thus accidentally making it a bag of jokes. It is amazing to see how a movie from 1980s can say more about the culture of 30 years in the future.

Nevertheless, I don't recommend watching the movie if you are interested in gay porn, it is bad material. But if you are interested in having a good laugh about the comic parts of the movie, I most certainly recommend it.
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