
459 Reviews
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Mediocre but not bad
8 November 2023
A very formulaic movie that goes through all the storybeats in the way you would expect. A pocahontas like story where two lovers meet from different factions. A girl that wants to leave her sheltered live and see the world. A guy that is a little too shy and finds it hard to fit in. It has all been done before and borders the line of cliche.

The only praise I can give in terms of originality are it's setting. Some effort was put into the world building. And the very musical like structure. Though most songs are pretty standard, and not much to write home about. It does feel like a musical with some production value.

Overall it's a decent movie, but painfully average.
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A solid episode, and equal to the quality you would expect from a special episode
27 October 2023
South park has had many ups and down the last few years. But the specials were always a moment where south park could go above and beyond.

And I'm glad to tell you that this special is no different.

Balancing the tried and true formula with new ideas has always been a tough act. And in this episode they do repeat some storybeats from other recent specials. But not so much where it became boring.

Overall this episode shows a lot of the qualities post 2020 south park has to offer. And when ranking all the south park specials, this one sits somewhere slightly above the middle. Still the above average quality compared to standard episodes. But not hall of fame worthy.

Certainly worth a watch.
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Untold: Jake Paul and the Problem Child (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
2 August 2023
A very bland sports doc.

Unapologetically edited to fit the controlled narrative. Portraying a superficially rose-tinted story, with very little regard to the finer details that give nuance to the events described.

It's blatant that the documentary mostly just shows a group of highly mediatrained people. That are just saying what they are told to say. And the only independent critisism being shown is in the form of either a 1 second youtube clip or 1 line from a news broadcast.

Don't even start with all the clips from boxing podcasts that the documentary tries to portray as genuine criticism. And not see it for what they are: A media circlejerk that's just there to drive up engagement.

Sometimes the show even portrays heavily staged moments, and tries to sell those moments as sincere. Wich really makes you question if this documentairy is to be taken serious.

For example, the current narrative is that Jake is easy to dislike. And then shows a couple of clips from boxing interviews. Which are known for staging their conflict in order to stir up fake controversy.

Overall a very one-sided documentary. With almost no new insights. And one that doens't shy away from showing it's bias.
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quite alrigh
14 March 2022
Although some of the messages seem a little off. It's a nice movie that captures childlike wonder very well. Maybe a little toxic for todays standards. And the oompa loompas are a little yikes knowing the original. All in all a very lighthearted movie with some poorly ages messages.

6/10: but its alright.
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Liked this remake more
14 March 2022
Never seen the original, so right after watching this movie I wached the original to compare. And I have to say that I liked the remake quite better.

It's clear that the main storybeats are left untouched, but this remake does implement some fresh changes. It gives more emphasis on the characters and delevops them better. Tony, for example, is written much better and his motivitations are much clearer. Also small changes in setup and writing that just make this movie feel much less choppy than the original. All in all it kept the good from the original and improved where there was room for improvement.

7/10: quite good.
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14 March 2022
For a 60 year old movie it does have that vintage charms. But as far as entertainment goes, its a little jarring. Scene to scene transitions feel sloppy and make the movie feel more like a musical number checklist. Although the quality is high, the overall story didn't feel the least bit streamlined. All in all, good but not that good.

5/10: hmm.
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Heels (2021–2023)
14 March 2022
Although it started prett ok, the show falls off real quick. Development is really slow, and the same story points are repeated. Issues are resolved at at snails pace wich in turn inhibits development. All in all, fun for 2 episodes and after that it bacame repetative.

5/10: nah.
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Turning Red (2022)
sweet but forgetable
13 March 2022
A very lighthearted movie about, by now, pretty standard topics. Simply put there are quite a lot of other tf animated movies with a very similar premise. All in all, pretty standard with some a above average pixarlike animation style.

6/10: not bad, but unfortunately forgetable.
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12 March 2022
By far the most entertaining marvel movie i've seen in a long time. Kinda feels like the endgame movie specificly for spiderman. It is clear that spiderman is one of that francises that kept to a higher standard than other marvel enities. All in all, great film with a lot fanfare for the people that watched the alternative spiderman movies. Kinda feels like a reunion of sorts, wich was executed quite well.

7/10: really good.
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too slow
10 March 2022
This movie certainly chases a vibe. Of 80's hollywood, similar to many movies that have this same setting, following young love. But for those who can't really relate to 80's hollywood, that should already be a red flag. This movie does have it's decent momens, but not more than a handfull. Overall the movie felt really slow, with semi interesting characters, and a not so intriguing story. Well made and executed, but all in all, beware before watching this movie.

5/10: not bad, but certainly not for everyone.
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Reacher (2022– )
10 March 2022
Maybe a little bland with the usual power fantasy. Certainly overdone to a point where I was rolling my eyes from time to time. But apart from it's cliches, not a bad series. Well made and performed. Story is maybe a little formulaic, but i guess that is also part of it's genre. All in all, lacks originality, but for it's genre not bad.

6/10: eh ok.
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10 March 2022
Certainly falls victim of the usual adult animation shows. Where characters are constantly being loud and obnoxious. Constantly swearing to a point where it becomes unnatrual. Apart from that, it does have it's charms. Although this premise has been done before, and has been done better. All in all, not bad, but also not much to write home about.

6/10: ok but meh.
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just don't
10 March 2022
After the 2nd film there was already little hope, and this movie is certainly a nail in it's coffin. Overall a very dumb uninteresting story, wich doens't reward the viewer. Everything is very watered down, to the point it becomes very formulaic. All in all, there are better 'dumb' movies out there. This one isn't really worth the time.

5/10: sleep.
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really good
10 March 2022
Certainly not for everybody. It's a dialogue heavy film, with characters mostly just bouncing off of each other. But the characters are very well acted, and the movie certainly has its style with most of the movie taken place in the same place. All in all, character heavy driven movie wich isn't for everybody. But overall well made film.

7/10: quite good for what it is.
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really good
10 March 2022
Although this movie has a few sub plots that dilude the story, overall a solid film. Overall the mystery is fairly good, but as mentioned, due to the fact that attention is frequently diverted. The mystery does lack some key aha moments. All in all solid movie but with a few flaws.

7/10: very good.
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Red Rocket (2021)
21 February 2022
Well made and all, but story wise this is really hit or miss. Not a whole lot is going on, and the characters just kidna interact. So certainly not bad, but be warned that this movie is pretty uneventfull with a not so much sence of closure.

5/10: fine, but not really good.
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20 February 2022
While it does have it's charm. And a nice touch with some homages. Most of the series is pretty standard as far as normaal episodic cartoons go. Not bad in any way or form, and there are 2 or 3 good episodes. But overall, it wasn't all that special. All in all, charming with its animations, but overall pretty normal.

6/10: sure.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
ye ok
20 February 2022
Not half bad, and certainly nice to see some more R rated series with a decent budget. But most jokes are a little hit or miss. And some emotional moments felt a little shoehorned in. But it has decent characters, and a decent story that doesn't feel the need to be cranked to 11 all the time. So all in all, not half bad.

7/10: good.
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Eiffel (2021)
20 February 2022
First and foremost a overly sappy romantic drama that checks all the usual clichés. Apart from the 3rd act, the eiffel tower construction takes a back seat to this romance story. And this 3rd act is wich stood out the most, for the overall good execution and telling the story of the eiffel tower construction. But overall it's a basic, well made, romance movie with a few hints of originality sprinkled throughout.

6/10: little basic, but not that bad tbh.
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The World at War (1973–1974)
13 February 2022
Great detail and touches on almost all topics related to the war. No clear biases and very well written. It's quite an investment with 26 hours of content, but well worth it. All in all, great docu, and probably one of the best regarding it's topic.

8/10: great.
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7 Prisoners (2021)
really good
12 February 2022
Really well executed in terms of character building. It's very well portrayed how and why people make the decisions that they make, and that is no easy feat. Storywise there is some room left to be disired, but I don't mind this movie leaning more towards the human part. All in all, very good.

7/10: yes.
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Smiling Friends (2020– )
10 February 2022
Made me laugh from time to time, so I would say it's a decent show. It fairly short and sweet so it does lack a certain depth, but the format used does have it's advantages.

7/10: fairly good.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
10 February 2022
I would say it's still good, but it's clear that there is less inginuety in this show compared to the mandolorian. It was still quite enjoyable, but it felt a little less impactfull that I expected.

7/10: good but could have been better.
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9 February 2022
First half is certainly the most memorable. Second half is compared not that interesting. Though well made and all, I was quite bored in the second half. All in all, it was fun but not that intersting.

6/10: just good.
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Aliens (1986)
pretty good
9 February 2022
Very well made film and an excellent continuation on the previous movie. A lot of improvements with almost none of the drawbacks, and overall just a better film. All in all, the peak of the series.

7/10: very good.
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