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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
Not the best, not the worst
22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Last of Us: Part II is anything but perfect, player reviews on other sites have been largely negative and while I agree that this game is not a 10/10 it is also not a 3/10. My opinion is more in the middle, the gameplay is much improved from the previous game and the graphics and physics of the game are the best the Playstation 4 will see, it honestly looks like a next-gen game. The level of polish and detail in the game is breathtaking and that alone makes up a large portion of the rating I have given the game.

My problem is the story, right from the get-go they sell out characters to push a narrative you cannot get behind. Knowing how certain characters operate in the first installment leaves contradictions the player cannot get their heads around, why would Tommy and Joel give up their names and where Jackson is to complete strangers? Why would Ellie not shoot on sight? From the very beginning you are left feeling these characters have been stripped down. This is followed by the death of Joel, it was always probable that he would die in this game but to have it at the start while not yet establishing who Abby is creates an uphill battle to make you sympathise for her later in the game. Abby is unlikable, when she is at her worst she is unredeemable in comparison to Ellie who throughout the game shows remorse for her actions. Following that Abby is an unlikeable and unredeemable character the ending falls flat, Ellie leaves everything to pursue her in the knowledge that she will lose everything so when we get to the finale and she lets her live it does not make sense. She has nothing to lose and essentially lets Abby win here, there is no sense of victory and reward for her effort and again leaves the player wondering what all the effort in playing the game 18-20 hours was for.

Personally I believe if this instalment was to be successful it would need to be stripped down. A more simplistic narrative like the first and focusing on the relationship with Joel and Ellie after she finds out what Joel has done. This gives ample time to develop characters such as Tommy, Jesse, Dina and so on which would lead to more attachment to these characters and more meaning to the player in regards to what happens to them later. Then you could have Joel die at the end still not knowing who Abby is. This would then be followed by a third instalment in which a larger portion of time can be spent developing Abby and her crew so that again having an attachment to them can create true conflicts of interest within the player when these characters finally meet their demises.

All in all this game has a number of flaws in the story and I personally believed this could have been fleshed out more in both this game and extending into a third game. There was simply not enough time or effort put into Abby's arc. However, with all that being said this game is fantastic to look at, it plays flawlessly and the polish and attention to detail is phenomenal it is a must-buy for that alone, but again the story is not there and for that reason I can only give a 6/10.

Note: I will note that my issue was with the writing of the story, I think the programmers, the art departments, the motion capture, the acting, voice acting and so on were superb and really sets the gold standard of the state a game should be in before being released. I don't wan't a negative review of the story to negate from the fantastic work that everyone else at Naughty Dog and all other related parties have done to produce a game of the level.
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Black Panther (2018)
Poorly made all-around, almost insulting
11 July 2018
This movie was an absolute shambles, the direction was all wrong, the CGI was weak and overused, the forced humour intolerable and the heavy emphasis on politics which was unconvincing and tired took away from the story which was also weak and poorly planned out. Acting was terrible and the only saving grace perhaps was Andy Serkis' performance firstly because he was the only actor with a convincing accent but he also captured the craziness of his character well enough to warrant some sort of believability. The rest of the cast were bland and uninteresting, their story arcs were unnatural and there were many plot holes throughout the whole film.

The ending of the film has to go down as one of the worst movie endings I have ever seen, heavily politicised dialogue which was out of place within the context of the scene.

To summarise, poorly acted, poorly directed, poor CGI, forced humour, force-fed politics, weak and arbitrary character motives. Although entitled to their opinions anyone who gives this film anything higher than a 3 is not really seeing the film for what it is but for the fear of the social implications of not liking it.
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Judge Rinder (2014– )
Not completely to my liking.
26 June 2017
First of I feel people misunderstand the job that Judge Rinder plays. He is a qualified barrister and this, like Judge Judy and other shows of its kind are actually arbitrations. To my understanding also like Judge Judy the show will have a written contract that their ruling is final as well as the possibility of appearance fees and even that they pay the ruling (to a limit or on a finance agreement).

Personally I prefer trash TV and Judge Rinder is a little too highbrow in this regard, Judge Judy is much more brash and direct which makes for a more exciting show. I appreciate some of the legal explanations behind his rulings and the odd occasions that he makes a show of the people in his court but in the back of my head I think if this was on at a later time in the day and featured more "Jeremy Kyle" styled confrontation it would be a lot more successful than it currently is.
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