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Splinter (I) (2008)
17 May 2009
Sometimes it is easy to over-do-it when it comes to writing a review. I've done it myself, so I'm going to step out of "Film 101" and review this on it's "fun" merits.

The filmmakers had to be influenced by classic sci-fi monster movies from the 50s- from that "same place" as "The Thing", "The Blob", etc. This would have played on the drive-in movie theaters back in the day. While the movie has some familiar themes that we've seen in many other horror/sci-fi flicks through the years, this one has a unique twist- the "creature" that is (if you want to call it that?).

Sure, I would have liked to seen it go further in certain areas, but that's a compliment on the idea and concept of the "creature". If you want to watch a fun and creepy sci-fi/horror flick- check it out.
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Peter Bark saved my life.
2 May 2007
OK, for those who don't know who Peter Bark is, but have seen this film, he is the strange little boy who looks like a man (and actually was an adult too- we hope). Every time I get down and depressed and want to end it all, I put this movie in and I am reminded of how good life is when films like "Burial Ground: Nights of Terror" are available to me. So Peter Bark, if you are out there and are reading this...thank you. Watching you suckle the breast of your on screen mother is absolutely divine...

Come on everyone, together..."Peter Bark, Peter Bark, Peter Bark...!" There are those who will totally get it, and all others can go rent "The Grudge: Part 10". Me, I'm just a "Burial Ground" kind of guy...
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A classic to re-discover- sci-fi/horror fans or not
28 June 2006
Since was only a toddler when this show originally aired I just recently picked up the DVD set and am wishing there were more episodes filmed. This show was a 70s version of the poplular 90's TV series "X-Files"- but with a bit more of a comedic/light hearted approach. But don't get me wrong, some of these episodes have full on horror themes, many in which have some pretty greuesome plots (left to the imagination of course- this was the early 70s television).

Some of the plots where a bit silly as well as the acting, but that is the charm and attraction to this series. Whether you like mystery crime dramas, comedies, or sci-fi/horror themes, this series brought all that together. Each episode clocked in at around 50 minutes or so (1 hour with commercials) and that 50 minutes goes by quick always leaving me wanting more. A great classic show that is underrated in my book!
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Joysticks (1983)
28 June 2006
You either "Get it" or you don't. Of course when this film first hit the theaters it was just a film about the current fads of the day. If you were a kid going to arcades in the early to mid 80s this will be very nostalgic. If games like "Zaxxon" or "Galaxian" don't mean anything to you then this film will seem ridiculous. And to answer the question, "were arcades really like this?"...Oh yeah, this portrays the arcade "scene" in the early 80s pretty well.

This is a have fun, so bad it's funny movie. It could be thrown in with the "sex-comedies" of the 80s- and there were a lot of them. I believe this is coming out on DVD soon (Summer/Fall 2006).
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Beautiful, hilarious, disturbing, mysterious, erotic, etc...
5 May 2006
I'm sure there is nothing new that could be added that has not already, but I will say that the more time passes the better "Twin Peaks" gets. It seems to age like fine wine. There are so many facets to this series just as other Lynch films, so being able to watch "Twin Peaks" on DVD has been a real treat. I catch myself watching scenes over again and even hitting the pause button just to gaze at some of the imagery. I find myself laughing one moment and then recovering the next from some of the more disturbing situations.

The fact that a series like "Twin Peaks" existed for not one, but two seasons, should give us hope that there can actually be intelligent, artfully done television. Now, let's hope season two will be released sometime in the next century!
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The Hamburg Cell (2004 TV Movie)
16 March 2006
I was waiting for a public service announcement at the end saying, "Terrorists- they are not bad people, just mis-informed". Ugh. You know, I am a well educated person; I am in no way "close-minded". Don't serve me a platter full of dung and tell me it is actually desert. I don't like it when writers and/or directors pull the emo trip on their audience, especially with this particular subject. Hitler was a bad guy, I don't see any films about him being mis-understood.

These terrorists (and don't forget to call them what they were) were not mis-informed. Nor was this something that they did out of panic, instinct, or defense. This was one of the most well planned, and yes, thought out, murders in history. There's more blame insinuated on the American leaders then the terrorist (who are indeed made out to be martyrs). For a film maker to put out such a piece of propaganda, in hopes to make people understand what these poor mis-guided people had to go through, reminds me of why I own a DVD player- I don't have to worry about crap like this coming through my video monitor.

On a technical level this film worked. In fact, if this tragedy had not happened, and this was just a story it probably wouldn't have bothered me as much. But I know the reality of this, and unfortunately there are people who are actually forgetting the truth and reality behind it. Film can do that. Which, is why i'll stick to my own viewing collection. What's on tonight's list...I think i'll watch "Cannibal Holocaust"...
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Makes watching bad movies worth the while!
31 January 2006
This was a real treat. The film starts off a little slow, so hang in there because once the action starts you will probably choke on your beer or mountain dew out of sheer hysterical laughter. In my journey through "grade Z" movies, it is movies like Attack of the Beast Creatures that make it all worth it. This is the type of movie that I put on that "special shelf" for the friends that don't want to have to think or invest much of themselves into a film. For those friends who you would like to impress with a movie so bad, that it is just beautiful. This was made at a time when bad films were at least still shot on film. Now days "grade z" movies are shot on daddy's new digital camcorder, so they don't have any real cinematic quality. This has some cinematic quality...OK, cinematic quality in a really "grade z" kind of way.

If you want Freddie Kreuger, Jason, or The Ring Meets the Grudge Part 4, then go to your local Blockbuster. Leave the trash to us trashmongers...I love it!
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Shakma (1990)
Christopher Atkins, D & D, crazed primate= $$$$$...
5 December 2005
...ok, maybe not the $$$$ at the box office. Let's face it Christopher Atkins and D & D was not a box office grabber in 1990 either. Shakma is a lot like drinking stout or maybe even scotch. It get's better after each viewing (or maybe it gets better after drinking scotch). OK, this film is really bad in many ways. But because I have fond memories of getting loaded with my old buddies while watching a crazed baboon beat against various objects it goes down as one of my top bad movies. Come on, just the name alone should put a grin on your face. Say it...SHAKMA. Keep on saying Shakma over and over. There is nothing that makes me happier then walking into a room, saying "Shakma" and having everyone laugh in agreement. Pass this on and maybe one day everyone will know what Shakma really means...
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Effects (1979)
May go over some people's head- may be too intelligent for some fans
2 November 2005
I knew nothing about the film "Effects" going into it. I'm glad I avoided reading any reviews or summaries because in the end I walked away from it feeling like I had not watched just another 70s exploitation or slasher flick- and those are most of my collection by the way.

I have a feeling that there will be a large number of Tom Savini gore fans who will go into it expecting a slice 'em up blood fest in the tradition of Maniac or Dawn of the Dead. Instead, what you get is a film that resembles more of a drama about a group of people making a low budget horror film. It isn't really until the 3rd or 4th quarter of the film where the true horror begins; and it throws the story into a spin. This is why i'm glad I didn't research this film and spoil it. I was really impressed with the way these actor performed. This film could have easily given any "high brow" dramas a run for there money. For you Day of the Dead fans, Joe Pilato doesn't play an "out of his mind" military man in this one. Instead he plays one of the main characters, and his performance is on the mark. He is a likable guy in "Effects". That is one of the strengths of this film; there is a decent amount of character development. What may confuse people is that a few of the characters in this movie are also actors in the horror movie they are shooting. So you get sort of a duel role from the same people. So for all you pot smokers or slow people out there, this may mess with you- LOL.

All and all this is a much better film then a lot of horror fans may give it. And if it rubbed you the wrong way the first time, give it another try. If you want to watch a zombie-slasher movie with lots of blood and guts, then pick up any of the classic zombie flicks- hey Cannibal Holocaust just got re-released on DVD!
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Ticks (1993)
A surprisingly fun and gooey b-movie flick!
15 June 2005
If you are in the mood for a fun horror movie that doesn't take itself too seriously and has all the right gross out gimmicks- check it out. If it wasn't for a friend mentioning this movie title I would have passed it up. But I trusted his judgment since he is a horror aficionado- and I read some decent reviews in some of my old issues of Fangoria/Gore Zone.

The acting is silly, but it is obvious that this is the way it was written. The key difference between a movie like Ticks (Infested) and some really bad Sci-Fi Channel movie is that everything is done in the Evil Dead 2/ Bad Taste slap stick kind of way. And they go for the gross out money shots in every other scene (lots of pulsating blistering skin waiting to explode, etc). And thank God this didn't have any of the cheesy computer animated gore and FX. I love the latex, goo, and prosthetic body parts of the old school- even if it does look fake. At least you know the actors are actually interacting with it rather then a "green screen".

So, gather a few friends, kick back a few beers or Mountain Dews, and be prepared to rewind a few scenes so you can watch them again!
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Superstition (1982)
Director influenced by Argento?
23 May 2005
After watching the opening 10 minutes of this film I was happy to see the director wasn't afraid to "show it all" in the area of gore. Stylistically, I would really be surprised if the director and/or cinematographer wasn't influenced by Dario Argento. Some of the music reminded me of a slight take on what Goblin did for Argento films- but no where near as well of course. The good thing about mimicking a maestro such as Argento is that you have good taste in film making. The bad thing is...not many can "do Argento" like Argento. So many will walk away thinking it is a cheap ripoff.

For those not familiar with Argento's work, you should find this to be a refreshing take on the horror genre in the 80s time period. If you are like me, I enjoy "grade Z" movies more then big budget films if they entertain me. It is about entertainment. This film entertained me. There were even a few times that I actually felt a little creepy tension- something that doesn't usually happen with lower budget flicks.

If you are looking for big budget romps, then keep on renting movies on the "new rental wall" at Blockbuster. Otherwise, you may have some fun with this one.
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The joke is on everyone (a little more on the liberals though)
19 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It has been funny to read some of the misunderstood reviews of this film. First off, if you haven't seen this film, stop reading this or any review and go and see it with a fresh open mind.

At first I thought this was in fact going to be one of those ultra PC Hollywood thought police movies. I started to gag when I saw all the caricatured stereo types- especially the reverend. I thought, "they haven't been to my church. We have an entire ministry fund for people with AIDS- gay or not". So I was getting a little sick of what I thought was going on in front me.

Well, then it all started consuming the liberal characters in this film. It was quite chilling, because I know people like these characters. Unfortunately, there probably are people who shut the film off before getting to the end. And at the same time, there are people who were cheering these characters on, only to find themselves not being able to look at themselves in the mirror after watching this film.

A few liberal reviewers either are really blinded by their own self righteous ideas of true freedom of thought and speech, or they didn't watch the ending, because in the end the joke is on YOU.
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Timeless creepy horror film
19 May 2005
I can't believe it took me 31 years to see this film (I was born in 1974 so I wasn't alive when it was released). Growing up in the VHS boom of the 80s I remember seeing the box for this film in the local video stores. Once the onslaught of the big chain stores like Blockbuster arrived and then the DVD generation, this gem got lost in the VHS wasteland. But- I have recently rediscovered the lost unwanted treasures via e-bay and a local used book store that carries tons of old out of print VHS horror films.

I was excited to find this film and in the opening scene I knew this was going to be a creepy one. This is one of those films where the atmosphere really gives you the goose bumps. The music and sound engineer really was as responsible for the creepiness as the cinematographer and writer.

For all of you new horror fans who love "The Ring" series, this is for you. Some of the imagery and tone of the film makes me think that the creator of some of the new school of horror films may have had some influence by this film (whether they know it or not).

As a few people in the message board brought up, there are some loose ends that leave you guessing throughout. But I think that is part of the whole paranoia and insanity that is felt while watching it. I really was drawn in to the main character's sense of losing her mind.

It is not often that a film actually makes me feel paranoid and insane while viewing it. This was one of those films. Why this film has not been released on DVD is a mystery to me. Until then, I am happy with my VHS to DVD-R copy. ;-)

Hint, hint- Synapse, Anchor Bay, Blue Underground?
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I wish there were more like this one...
11 May 2005
While I site here and write how much I enjoyed this film, there are going to be people out there who just got back from watching "The Ring 2" meets "The Grudge" and will say, "This isn't scary". This is not a film that uses cheap overdone "startle you" moments to get scare points. In fact, to a degree this is not a horror movie at all. The only monsters are the ones called human beings.

If you enjoy films that build up, seeing it from the point of view of the main character who is trying to figure out what the heck is going on- check this out. You find yourself thinking you know what is happening, then that idea gets shredded, and so on. I had to go back and delete a good portion of my comment I wrote about this film, not so much because it was a spoiler, but because I didn't want to plant any ideas about what I thought the film was doing. I had the pleasure of seeing this film with absolutely no idea what it was about. I didn't know if it was supposed to be scary, suspenseful, or dramatic.

See this film. This is not a "beer movie night" film you watch with your drinking buddies. Watch it alone or with a few people who won't make comments and talk throughout the film. Let the atmosphere draw you in to the story. If you want blood, guts, and zombies- this isn't it- although I love a good gut munching film from time to time (ok, that's all I watch). Enjoy!
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Porno in every sense of the word...and a monster.
3 May 2005
Wow. I felt like I needed to shower off after watching this one, but maybe there were other reasons that I will leave to your imagination. I felt used and abused after wacking, I mean watching this film. Hairy chests, thick mustaches, and well, hairy everything describes this porn/horror movie, but hey, it was 1981, you can't call it "porn" in the 70s and 80s without the hair.

As a horror flick, this bites. But as a piece of exploitation/porn from Italy's rich cinematic history- it definitely has a place in my library. The copy I have is in Italian with English subtitles. I wish it had the really poorly dubbed English, I think it would have added to the sleaziness factor that already existed. The only white guy who gets laid in the movie is "Mark Shannon"- he is the moustache wearing, hairy chested piece of machismo who really does try and give a performance every time he "steps up to bat". This was at the end of an era where porn producers were actually trying to make something artistic. Nothing like panning the camera from a tropical backdrop to a hairy man having "doggie-style" sex with a woman. I can't help but laugh.

This is one of those movies that I pray my future wife and kids never find.
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What the hell else did you expect- it's Troma.
27 April 2005
After reading some of the outraged viewer comments I decided to write give my 1 cent. I am a 31 year old b-horror movie obsessed freak that still lives with his parents- so maybe that explains my taste in absolute trash. Over the years I have obtained a collection of dvds, videos, and laserdiscs that puts most video stores to shame (of course that is not saying much these days with Blockbuster and Hollywood video stores horrible horror section). Since I couldn't rent this at the time I bought this, I purchased this after seeing some clips of children being shot in really unrealistic fashion I couldn't resist.

The key is this- very campy. All you "Grudge-Ring-I know What You Did Last Summer with Van Helsing" fans will probably not "get it". What is there to get, you may ask? It's just funny, funny that a movie was put together professionally, shot on 35 mm film, that has scenes where children get shot on screen and they actually use squibs (some of you know what squibs are). Yes, you can see the kids breathing, strings connected arrows, and blood tubes, etc. But that's why I bought it.

So, the film as a whole is not that entertaining, but the death sequences are worth it for you fans of the bottom of the barrel films. Have fun. I'm going to go back to my room before my mom asks me to take the trash out.
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Next Victim (2003)
Fun indie horror
17 March 2005
I got a chance to see a screening of this back in 2004 at the Cinema Wasteland expo in Cleveland. It is not very often that you get to have a conversation and drink a beer with one of the directors of a movie you are about to watch, while Gunnar Hansen is in the next room too.

This trilogy was pulled together by Gunnar Hansen's (original Leatherface) character, a doctor in a mental institution introducing each story. Each segment had it's own style unique to the director. If I remember correctly, the first story was more on the "art house" side of horror while the second segment was more of a "Tales From the Crypt" story. The third installment is very much a dark comedy- very ironic.

I hope to see more from these guys!
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Jess Franco needs to stick to sexploitation art house flicks
2 February 2005
There, I said what everyone else that saw this movie was thinking right? At least I am speaking for those who are familiar with Jess Franco's work. This is a good "bad in a good way" zombie flick, but not "bad in a really good way". There is too much jibber jabber. We all know why we sat down to watch this movie, let's be honest...because it had the word "zombie" in the title. I had to play the zombie scenes a few times and then in slow motion so I could get my fill. There was a good disembowelment in one scene, but it was a quickie.

I am also a fan of some of Jess Franco's sexploits so I don't mind some of the questionable story lines and dialogue that I usually get with his films, especially when English dubbed. But I wouldn't have guessed this to be a Franco picture if I didn't already know it. So, if you can rent this one or borrow it, go for it.
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"Bottom of a porn theater seat" scum of a movie- not bad.
29 January 2005
I must not have done my research or just forgot that I was about to watch a 1980 Italian "women in prison" flick because my jaw dropped upon seeing some of the sex scenes in this. I am wondering if there is an X-rated version floating around out there because it was obvious that there was some real oral sex going on in this movie.

Another reviewer mentioned they thought this was Troma's worst film in their library. You must not have seen all of the Troma films because Troma has some real stinkers. But I wouldn't call this a Troma library film, but a Troma sponsored re-release. There are Troma films and then there are films that Lloyd Kaufman buys the rights to so he can make more cash on them by packaging them and releasing them. This is one of those. I guess if Troma was going to re-release a "women in prison' flick this is fits the Troma standard- trashy.
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The Village (2004)
An Intelligent film for a change
31 July 2004
When I hear of people getting "angry" and "mad" after watching this film I feel like sending them a copy of "Cannibal Holocaust" my treat. Never heard of that film- well...look it up, you won't find it at Blockbuster and your mommy may make you go to a therapist if she finds it.

Usually I can't stomach big Hollywood productions as of late. But I will say that going into this movie intentionally knowing nothing at all about what I was to see, I was really thrown for a loop. And then after the first "secret" was revealed, the director still managed to get me...and then again. That to me is fun. I like it when I am taken.

There was definately lots that could be read into with this film. I could relate it to my own life and how some of my biggest fears are simply created in my head.

As a child many of us believed in Santa. The whole world was behind that, not just my town. I really believed it. Even after I heard that Santa wasn't real, a tiny part of me still believed. But I have created fears in my adult life, and those fears have kept me from moving on and trying new things. I'll stop writing, it was

clever. If you want blood and guts rent some Italian horror movies from the 70s and 80s.
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I'm still laughing
28 July 2004
This is one of those gems that I am always waiting to find- I found a diamond here! I am pretty certain that this film was released to be taken as serious as any other action movie from the early 80s. But some of the dubbed in dialogue is

hilarious, I am smiling right now as I think about some of the lines. Whatever the case may be, it is an all around entertaining movie that I am glad I added to my collection.

For those who like to watch Italian action cinema from the 70s and 80s, you

probably will get a kick out of this too. The same goes to blaxploitation fans as well. I found myself rewinding and re-watching scenes over again. There are

lots of scenes that will make you want to take a second look. There really is too many things in this film that had me rolling. Troma offers this on DVD now at a really low price. Definately worth it. Enjoy!
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Not just blood & guts
19 July 2004
I had seen most of the other Italian cannibal films from the 70s, but somehow hadn't got around to seeing Jungle Holocaust. I thought I had seen it, but I was wrong. I picked up the Shriek Show remastered special edition DVD and was

very pleased. This was as much of an adventure film as a gore fest. In fact it was a pretty decent film. Unlike Cannibal Ferox (which I secretly enjoyed as well), I didn't feel like I needed to take a shower afterwards. Well, ok, I still had to take a shower, but that was just because the leading character was so filthy by the end of the flick.

As usual, if you have a weak stomach and cannot handle animal violence- steer clear of this. While there is a decent adventure story going on, it is accompanied by gut munching, sexual assault, and animal death.

As far as the animal violence is concerned, there is only one scene I can think of where an animal was cruely killed by man. Of course, this goes on in the world as shown here, we just don't see it on the big screen. Somehow I can't see

PETA hiking into these parts of the world.The other shots were basically a big snake strangeling, then eating some sort of small mammal. Not much different

then what happens at the zoo when they feed the snakes- once again, we are

not used to seeing it. My friend throws in live mice to his snake for food- it won't eat it unless it is alive. Sort of like how we don't eat fish that are dead on the beach- we catch live fish that are fresh.
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Martin (1977)
An "intelligent" horror
18 July 2004
"Intelligent horror"? Well, it captures the viewer in the first scene. You get to see what it would be like to be a 77 year old young man who needs blood to survive and deal with the stigma of being a "vampire" in his family. There is definately a dark humor going on here. It is not a jump out at you horror movie. You know

who the monster is, and he really isn't a monster. Very unique take on the

vampire story.

I thought this was both a well made horror film, yet a wonderful film that dealt with a few relationships in this person's life and how he related to them. I think this film is a sleeper. I'm suprised more "art house" film people don't speak more of this film. Maybe because it is a Romero film they think it is just a monster gore fest. Check it out, good stuff.
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The Child (1977)
bread and butter 70s drive in horror
13 July 2004
When I say the "bread and butter" of 70s drive-in horror, I mean movies like this one came and went, forgotten and/or never seen by the majority. But it was films like this that kept drive-ins and smaller movie houses in business. I am so

thankful for the age of the DVD. With the DVD era, companies such as Anchor

Bay, Something Weird Video (Image), Blue Underground, Shriek Show, and

many others have brought back lost cult classics (and not so cult classics) so that new generations can discover them, and the older generations can

rediscover them.

"The Child" has all the right ingredients for a b-horror movie. A little bit of homemade special effect gore, a soundtrack that gives you the creeps, zombies, and it set in the countryside. It may have it's slow parts, but the final 20 minutes or so deliver the goods in fine 70s b-grade fashion. You will be getting startled one minute, then laughing the next (unintentionally of course).
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Revolver (1973)
Italian Action from the 70s- lovin' it
13 July 2004
If you are a fan of Sergio Sollima then I don't have to tell you that you will enjoy this film. I am so glad that I have discovered Italian action films from the 1960s and 1970s. I only wish that I could see some of these films on the big screen. There is something special about these films.

Revolver takes the viewer on a sort of chase. There is elements of mystery and action, but during the course of the film the relationship between the two

characters, played by Oliver Reed and Fabio Testi, evolves in a way that brings in drama into the story. Like Sollima's other films, there is fast paced action, violence, and a little bit of sex.

There is a gray area between who is good and bad, and that is something

Sollima has stated in interviews. In fact he has said that he has always been a fan of bad guys because sometimes the good guys mess things up more in the

end then the bad guys. He shows that in Revolver.
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