
7 Reviews
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Serenity (2005)
A True Masterpiece!
27 September 2005
I just got back from an advanced screening of Serenity and I have to say it was well worth the wait. Even if you aren't familiar with Joss Whedon's work or the show Firefly, you will still most likely find something to love about this movie. As usual, Joss provides us with an amazingly thoughtful, creative script on top of top notch performances and it is all perfectly directed. And of course Joss defies convention by throwing a few surprises in for good measure. So throw whatever preconceptions you may have about this movie out the window, and sit back and enjoy one heck of a ride aboard Serenity! No power in the 'verse can stop it!
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Dark Star (1974)
A Classic Film
20 September 2005
"Dark Star" is one of those films that every film student/fan of science fiction NEEDS to see. Written by Dan O'Bannon (who also commands one of the most memorable performances in any genre comedy), this film helps lay the groundwork for his later masterpiece "Alien". Without "Dark Star" it is doubtful that brilliant shows such as "Red Dwarf" would ever have been made. "Dark Star" shows us that even if you do not have a huge budget you can still produce an entertaining, and thought provoking film that serves to act in part as a homage to other classic films and stories while also presenting us with something that had never been seen before. Don't miss out on this superbly entertaining film.
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
A Mixed Series
3 May 2005
I have mixed feelings about this show. It probably has contained some of the best and definitely a lot of the worst Trek episodes ever. It was meant to re-invent Trek but all it did was re-use old plot devices. The best thing they ever did was replace Berman, because he had been working on the franchise too long. Trek needs new blood, and for the 4th season they finally got it. But of course it came too late and now the show has been cancelled after it just started to find its footing.

Contrary to some other comments I've seen, Enterprise did NOT use its cast to its fullest potential. Mayweather has been virtually ignored since the first and second seasons (he wasn't even in most of the 3rd season episodes) and when he has been around lately it has only been to lift heavy things or hit something. Reed was just starting to get some good stuff this season. Enterprise had a wonderful opportunity to connect every Trek series together and revitalize the franchise but all it did (and most people believe this) was bury it. Despite Enterprise's accomplishments, its failures reign supreme. As much as I love Trek, it needs a rest. Maybe after a few years it will be brought back by people who have new ideas to bring to it. Then, hopefully, we will truly go where no one has gone before.
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
The Best Sci-Fi Show in Years!!!
4 March 2005
While many fans of the original show were at first skeptical about this remake, it has in fact turned out to be one of the most intelligent and well made shows of all time. I loved the original and I love the new series. It is real science fiction and deals with real, contemporary issues inherent in the world today. Every week is even better than the last. Thanks the Gods it got picked up for a second season! The world needs a show like Battlestar Galactica right now, and the times are ripe for a program such as this. It would be a mistake to miss this exceptionally well done show. I can't wait to see what future stories await us in the years to come.
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Timequest (2000)
Promising Until the End
12 August 2004
The idea of this movie was pretty good, and I was interested up until the end when it just kind of stopped. There was no payback or twist or anything. They set it up throughout the movie that there may be someone from the future who would come back and possibly set things back the way they were, but it never went anywhere. There were several elements of the film that were great, such as the combined effort between the US and the USSR to reach the moon. I also liked the way JFK attempted to uncover the conspiracy surrounding his own assassination. But the ending was a real upset. In many ways I feel that I wasted 90 minutes watching this due to the unfortunate ending. There's that old saying that if you don't wow them in the end...
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Best Science Fiction Show In Years
9 December 2003
This is by far the best Sci-Fi show I have seen for a long time. It managed to update a classic series and yet still stay true to the original. Also, in the spirit of TRUE Science Fiction, the mini used the genre as a way to explore current issues and fears, using the cold war approach(in this case, a paranoid fear terrorists instead of communists) to the Cylons since "they look just like us." Brilliantly performed and skillfully written. I know there was a lot of bad mouthing the series for months before it was released, and if you are one of those people who didn't give it a chance, you have no idea what you missed. I hope that this gets turned into a series. I await in anticipation...
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Superman Meets Highlander
28 October 2003
This is probably one of the worst movies I have ever had the misfortune to sit through. It is kind of a cross between Highlander, Superman, and Return to Oz. Part of the reason for the problems in the film is due to the Producers losing control of the film due to going over budget. The Renegade Version is better than the original since it drops the whole thing about Immortals being aliens. Unfortunately the flying Bat Creatures are still in it. If you are looking for a good Mystery Science Theater 3000 film to laugh at with your friends then go out and rent this steaming pile of horror. Just make sure that you are within bolting distance of a bathroom.
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